
William Shakespeare Research Paper

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William Shakespeare was a man of great talent. His works are known all over the world, and are still read today by many. Shakespeare is often referred to as the English national poet, and is considered the greatest dramatist of all time. The details of his life are scarce but people have been able to get somewhat of a background from his writings. Shakespeare’s works have inspired many
Shakespeare was not born into a family of nobility or wealth, he didn't attend a university, have a mentor, or marry into wealth. He was born around April 23, 1564, coincidentally the same day he died 52 years later, in Stratford-upon-Avon. His mother was
Mary Arden, daughter of a farmer, and John Shakespeare, a tradesman. Shakespeare's birth is not known for …show more content…

Young William attended his local grammar school, King’s New School, where the curriculum stressed classical education.
Throughout his childhood and teenage years, Shakespeare’s father experienced serious financial debt and was unable to attend a University, to further his education, but instead at the age of 18 married Anne Hathaway, a woman 8 years his senior, and three months pregnant with his first
Gamble 2 child. Susanna, born in 1583, was his first born, followed by twins, Hamnet and Judith, two years later, and at age 11, Hamnet died of unknown causes. Several years after their births Shakespeare disappears, and there is no historical record of what happened during this time and are referred to as his “lost years”.
Shakespeare reappeared again in 1594 in London. Between 1590-1592, he had many plays land on a stages such as his Henry VI series, Richard III, and The Comedy of Errors. When the plague of 1593 happened and the theatres were closed he wrote two narrative poems The
Rape of Lucrece and Venus and Adonis. Also in 1594, Shakespeare became a shareholder in one of the most popular acting companies, the prestigious Lord Chamberlain’s Men, and as apart …show more content…

Around 1600 Shakespeare and some of the members of the Lord of Chamberlain’s Men and established the Globe Theatre outside of London. In 1603, when King James took the throne, he issued a royal license and named Shakespeare and the other men of the theatre the King’s
Men. Throughout his reign, Shakespeare wrote many of his accomplishes plays including
Macbeth. Between 1609 and 1611, he had his first set of sonnets published but sadly didn’t live to see his first folio of plays. As fate would have in 1616 Shakespeare’s health declined and he became ill. On April 23, 1616 he died. Before his death he revised his will and left the majority of his estate to his daughters, leaving gifts for his sister, people in the theatre, friends, those less fortunate. Shakespeare’s legacy includes 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and two narrative poems. He is said to be the greatest playwright of the English language.
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Shakespeare and religion isnt something that we have a lot of information on, some say he kept his Roman Catholic faith,others say he turned Protestant, or just became a total skeptic.
Nobody knows for sure but we can interpret his views and what he believed from his

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