Stereotypes In Law Enforcement

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There are several stereotypes that are associated with women in Law Enforcement There are many reasons I chose the stereotype that is associated with the profession I chose to pursue once I receive my Bachelors Degree in Criminal Justice. Being a woman that wants to work in Law enforcement has affected me in different ways. It has also had an impact on my life. It acts as a barrier when thinking critically and it is important to think critically when it comes to different stereotypes so that you won’t get off track. There are steps that I can take to change the perception the stereotype has in my life. It is important for me to write about the stereotype because it has affected my life over the years. Woman that work in law enforcement are …show more content…

( Job environment, the way women are treated on the job, internal support for career development and other advancements are some problems that has affected female employees that work in Law enforcement. ( Approximately 1.4% of women have administrative positions in law enforcement. There are more men that are sworn officers than women in Law enforcement. Statistics state that female police officers not to involve themselves in violence when they encounter issues with citizens. It has also been said that female officers are more prepared than male officers to handle disputes and people are less likely to be arrested once female police officers handle it. People have said that women are not strong enough to be police officers. Male police officers have expected women officers to fail. Male police officers say that women don’t do real police officer work. …show more content…

To prevent such barriers when it comes to women working in Law enforcement one must understand exactly where the barriers come from ("Solutions to Common Barriers for Female Officers | Hendon Publishing", 2018) For example whether the barriers are coming from inside or outside the profession women work. Job promotion and barriers fall between police administration which sometimes it has been hard for women to get promoted. Barriers that woman have dealt with has included gender discrimination and sexual harassment working in Law enforcement. ("Solutions to Common Barriers for Female Officers | Hendon Publishing", 2018) Male officers have also stated negative remarks about female officers who work in Law Enforcement. These barriers have caused female police officers to resign from their positions to avoid any issues and because gender discrimination and the other complaints aren’t taken seriously in Law enforcement. By the females constantly compared to the male police officers has caused stress on them. It’s much harder for woman to advance in Law enforcement than men and when interviewers make their decisions they are more than likely choose men over women. It is important to think critically when dealing with the barriers discussed above because it can be challenging and cause someone to give up and quit. When dealing with barriers its best that woman working in Law enforcement figure out how to deal