
Work Related Goals For Next 12 Months

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Goal setting is a crucial part of personal and professional development. It involves identifying a desired outcome and creating a plan to achieve it. When setting goals, it is important to follow the SMART framework, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. In this essay, I will discuss a work-related goal that I want to achieve in the next 12 months, using the SMART framework to outline relevant details about each component of the goal-setting process.

My work-related goal for the next 12 months is to learn French. I have always been fascinated by the French language and culture, and I believe that learning French will not only help me communicate with French-speaking colleagues and clients but also open …show more content…

This means being able to hold a conversation with a French-speaking person on a variety of topics and understand the majority of what is being said. I will also focus on building my vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

Measurable: To measure my progress, I will track my weekly practice time, the number of new words learned each week, and the number of conversations held in French. I will also take a proficiency test at the beginning and end of the 12-month period to assess my level of proficiency.

Achievable: Learning a new language is a challenging task, but I believe it is achievable if I commit to a regular practice schedule and use a variety of learning resources. I will devote at least 30 minutes every day to practicing French, using a combination of online courses, language exchange programs, and speaking with a tutor.

Realistic: While learning French within 12 months is a challenging goal, I believe it is realistic given my prior experience learning languages and my dedication to the task. I will also adjust my expectations based on my progress and make changes to my study plan as …show more content…

I will also incorporate daily practice sessions into my routine, using a variety of techniques to build my vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.

One specific technique I will use to build my vocabulary is to create flashcards with new words and review them regularly. I will also practice using new words in sentences and in conversation with my tutor. To improve my grammar, I will study grammar rules and complete grammar exercises in my online courses. I will also ask my tutor to correct any mistakes I make during our conversations.

To improve my pronunciation, I will listen to French audio recordings and practice repeating the words and phrases I hear. I will also practice speaking with a French-speaking person regularly to improve my fluency and confidence.

In addition to these techniques, I will also seek out opportunities to immerse myself in the French language and culture. For example, I will watch French movies and TV shows, read French books and newspapers, and listen to French music and podcasts. I will also try to find opportunities to use my French skills in my work, such as communicating with French-speaking clients or

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