
World War 1 Alienation Essay

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Going into the 20th Century from the Victorian Age, there was doubt and alienation as Great Britain was the world's first superpower, the world was having trouble as Great Britain and many other countries had colonized the world, and then left it in shambles. World War I started after a series of events happened, like the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, and war to break out between the countries of the world. During WWI, the Romantic notion of people dying for their country and fighting for what you believe in went away. WWI was surrounded with modern techs such as mustard gas, barbed wire, explosive bullets, trench warfare, tanks, and flamethrowers in total seven million people died. After a while, the soldiers fighting could find no reason to keep going on in the war to rally behind and went into battle that was meaningless lead by the society leaders. The roaring twenties were a reaction to the war, and many people in it wanted to forget the horrors that they had seen so …show more content…

This happened because if Germany taking over Europe is wrong, then why does Great Britain get to keep its colonies over the world, the end result to this question was that Great Britain didn’t. Other nations started to be able to compete against Great Britain industrially and began to be able to win, Britain as a result of this had to begin importing more than they were exporting and began to face economic problems. England as a result of importing more is a mix of different kinds of buildings, some are old brick showing the old England, the others were modern and were skyscrapers. Having the two different kinds of architecture in the country caused Great Britain to go through an identity crisis, they did not know whether they were supposed to be the be investors and bankers who lived in one of the most wealthy countries in Europe, or the old Great

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