Wright Brothers Research Paper

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The Wright Brothers: From Bike to Flight On April 16, 1867, along with August 19, 1871 two men were born destined to change the world ("National Parks Service"). These dates mark the birth of Wilbur Wright, 1867, and Orville Wright, 1871. Their father, Milton Wright, was a Bishop at the United Brethren Church ("National Parks Service"). Their mother, Susan Wright, spent much of her childhood on her family’s farm where she learned how to use tools ("The Wright Brothers | Susan Wright"). The Wright Brothers are a well-recognized figure in the world starting at their small bike shop in Dayton, to becoming the first to fly a motorized aircraft. With opening their own bike shop in the late 1890s, little did they know what the future held for them. …show more content…

In these tests, people of importance would fly alongside either Wilbur or Orville; depending on where the flight takes place (McCullough). A remember able example is when Orville took the United States army foremost aeronautical expert, Thomas Selfridge, up for a flight on September 17, 1908 ("The First Airplane Fatality: February '01 American History Feature"). Selfridge was the U.S Army’s foremost aeronautical expert at the time ("The First Airplane Fatality: February '01 American History Feature"). Before they were in the air, Orville said, “I don’t trust him an inch,” regarding Thomas Selfridge (McCullough). What happened later in the air was catastrophic. The flyer’s engine stopped working and the Wright flyer came plummeting towards the ground (McCullough). The result of this was a fractured leg, hip, and 4 broken bones for Orville (McCullough) and a deep gash on Selfridge’s forehead who was knocked unconscious ("The First Airplane Fatality: February '01 American History Feature"). Orville would survive although Selfridge would never wake up and eventually died (McCullough). This day, September 17, 1908 marked the first death in aeronautical history