Write An Essay On Monrovia

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Liberia is a country in West Africa which was founded, established, colonized, and controlled by citizens of the United States and ex caribbean slaves as a colony for former African and American slaves and their free black descendants. The capital of Liberia of is Monrovia which is named in honor of U.S. president james monroe, a prominent supporter of the colonization of Liberia and the American Colonization Society. Along with Washington, D.C., it is one of two national capitals to be named after a U.S.president. Monrovia have a population of 1,010,970.

The definition of Liberia is Republic in western Africa, bordered by Sierra Leone to the northwest, Guinea to the north, the Ivory Coast to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the …show more content…

The Liberian flag have a lot resemblance to the U.S start and stripes.
Some national symbol of Liberia is The white star is symbolic of African unity.

Liberia is a english spoken country but there are also different tribes that people speak in Liberia, which is via, via is he language is spoken by about 104,000 Vai people living in Liberia and by about 15,500 people in Sierra Leone. It is written in the Vai script and is noted for being one of the few languages of Africa that lack a Latin or Arabic script based writing system. Another tribes in Liberia is bassa, The language is spoken by the Bassa people of Liberia and Sierra Leone. The language is spoken by about 350,000 people in Liberia.
Krhan is another language that people speak in Liberia, kran is one of the Kru languages, is spoken in Liberia and Ivory Coast. Many speakers of Krahn have adopted English as a second language. There are several variants of this language, like the Western and Eastern Krahn. The former variant is spoken in the Ivory Coast and the Grand Gedeh County of Liberia. The latter variety is spoken in northeast Liberia. As of 1993, Liberia hosts 47,800 speakers of the Western Krahn language and 47,000 speakers of the Eastern