Writing For Professional Communicators, Evidentiary Speaking, And Communication Ethics

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My degree is Accounting, which involves many different aspects especially communication. The three communication courses that I believe will benefit me in the long run would be: Writing for Professional Communicators, Evidentiary Speaking, and Communication Ethics. Quite frankly all of the communication classes could be beneficial in some way but these fall more along the line of my specialty.

Let’s start with Writing for Professional Communicators, as an accountant I will have to document and present all of the information that I come up with for clients. This class will teach me how to communicate with clients through text my point of view just as good as if I were communicating in an oral presentation. This class would probably be most helpful for me in my career because most of the presenting I will do will be through financial statements, notes on those financial statements, and the relaying information to how I got those completed.

Another communication class that spiked my interest was Evidentiary Speaking. In my career, especially if I work for big firms, I will have to present my own presentations to an audience. Usually it will be in comparison to another employee to see who has the best solution …show more content…

If you didn’t already know this, accountants are based on ethical standards and these standards are preached to us all through college. This is a huge deal, we are dealing with people’s finances and hold a lot of power in businesses. I know how to ethically perform my job and make financial and business decisions but ethical communication? Ethical communication can help me build a career around stability and reliability. The books states it perfectly when Wood says, “Adopting this principle discourages us from deceiving others by distorting evidence, withholding information or coercing content.” Every single financial fraud that has occurred by accountants involved one of those three