Year 11 Tutorial Video On Gas Laws

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Year 11 Tutorial Video Hey Year 11, what’s up and welcome to this video. Now this video is going to be a heap of fun. Today we are going to look at Gas Laws! Okay so to outline this video, I will be: Explaining the gas laws Explaining the relationship between the ideal Gas Laws and other Gas Laws. And, Giving an in-depth explanation of two real world applications of the gas laws. Now that you’ve got the outline, lets gets started! Brief Introduction to Gas Laws Before I jump head first into the explanation of Gas Laws, I thought it would be best to introduce them. According to the Pearson Chemistry 11 New South Wales Textbook, gas laws are “used to describe the behaviour of all gases, regardless of their chemical composition”. All this …show more content…

So, for example, if a gas at a constant temperature and pressure increases by 5x, the amount of gas in moles will increase 5x. This relationship is mathematically expressed as V/n = k where V is the volume, n is the amount of gas in moles and k is a constant at a given temperature and pressure. Let’s take the real world application of blowing a balloon to better our understanding of this Gas law. When blowing up a balloon, you are filling the balloon with air and increasing its volume. However, the volume isn’t the only thing that is increasing. As you blow up a balloon, you are also filling it up with more gas …show more content…

Okay, so that was a lot of confusing words thrown at you at once, but it will make sense in a minute. The Ideal gas law combines Boyle’s, Charles’ and Avogadro's Law. In Boyle’s law V ∝ 1/p (for constant T and n) , In Charles’ law V ∝ T (for constant P and n) and In Avogadro’s law V ∝ n. (for constant P and T). The Ideal gas law integrates the three equations to get V∝nT/P or V=RnT/P, where R is called the ideal gas constant and is a proportionality