Yoga And Meditation Activity Analysis

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I participated in the yoga and meditation activity during class. During this activity, we were asked to sit on our yoga mats and to get comfy. The first activity we did was cat-cow, a basic yoga stretch of flexion of the back in an up and down motion. Next, we were asked to sit quietly as a meditation video was played. This meditation video was a combination of soothing sounds and a voice that guided us through our meditation. I found there to be three of the seven wellness components incorporated in this wellness activity. The first wellness component was emotional wellness. This was incorporated in the meditation activity. The meditation activity asked us to think of someone we loved and someone we had a conflict with. …show more content…

In the meditation activity, we were asked to think about a person we had a conflict with and to let go of our negative feelings towards this. By contemplating these thoughts, we were able to enhance our spiritual wellness by thinking about our moral beliefs and allowing ourselves to let go of negative thoughts. The third wellness component was intellectual wellness. Throughout the meditation, we were encouraged to open our minds to new thoughts and ideas. We were asked to think about someone that we loved which was part of our broad experiences. For some of us, we asked to go out of our comfort zone and try out new exercises. This activity broadened our knowledge and expanded our intellectuality. In this activity, I found two beneficial things to my overall wellness. The first thing that I found to be beneficial was the basic yoga stretches videos played. Although, I am more advanced in yoga than these basic stretches, I always find it helpful to go back to the basics and be reminded of the foundational yoga poses. In addition, performing the cat-cow stretch in class helped me to relieve stress before work, and helped me to clear my mind for the day ahead of

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