Yonat Shimron What Does The Bible Actually Say About Gay Marriage

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Two men or two woman should have the right to join together in marriage because many religious leaders support same-sex marriage. Yonat Shimron states “By preventing our same-sex congregants from forming their own families, the North Carolina ban on same-sex marriage burdens my ability and the ability of my congregation to form a faith community of our choosing consistent with the principles of our faith," said Nancy Petty, pastor of Pullen Memorial Baptist Church in Raleigh, who joined the lawsuit” (“The Christian Century” par.6) According to Yonat Shimron, the same-sex ban would disrupt communities and instead of having peace and love in the community. There would be disagreements and non-peace in the community because there would be two …show more content…

Lee Jefferson states “any reference to same-sex practice by a Biblical writer or a Greco-Roman writer has no knowledge or understanding of the concept of “same-sex orientation.“ There is no Hebrew or Greek cognate word in the Biblical text to reflect the modern term “same-sex orientation” or “homosexuality.” Moreover, there were no discussions or arguments concerning sexual orientation in the ancient and late ancient world” (“What Does The Bible Actually Say About Gay Marriage?” par.8) Lee Jefferson explains that by then during and before the time of Jesus Christ. Marriage wasn't denied as a union just between a man and a women, marriage was just seen as a union between two people, gender didn’t define it. But then somewhere later on, the term “marriage” went from being defined between two people where gender didn’t matter to being a term where people automatically thinking of a union between a man and a woman. Since the term “marriage” was originally meant between just two people, many religious leaders would go by that definition because that definition stood by of the time of Jesus Christ and when they bible being …show more content…

Same-sex marriages can help add more money to the wedding industry, it can help decrease cost of state benefits, it can add more revenue to the whole state, denying them the right to marry goes against the fourteenth amendment, it would be the right source of action since they face discrimination, denying someone the right to marry means that you are denying them happiness, religious leaders support it because it bring peace in the communities, they support it because they see everyone as God’s children and they support it because, in the bible, the term marriage meant just between two women and the term didn’t regard to gender. Same-sex marriages can very important essence to help boost the economy because it can help during times when a state is going through a crisis like they don’t have a lot of employment. Don’t have funds to improve communities or it can help the entire country fund into healthcare, education and---- which can improve some nay lives. Allowing a ban on same-sex marriage is a bad example towards the next generations of children. It’s teaching them that it’s ok to discriminate certain people. It could cause them to go against other things that most of society is ok because just like homosexuals, they could go against