Gay Marriage And Religious Views Of Homosexuality

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Homosexuals have been around as long as time! In biblical times there are references to homosexuality. Ancient Greek and Roman art depicts acts of homosexual love. It is seen all throughout history, and in more recent times, people have been fighting to get homosexual people the rights that they want. It is unknown as to what causes homosexuality. Some people believe that it is a gene that causes it. Others think that it is a learned trait. No matter what causes it, there is one thing that should be clear; being gay is as acceptable as being straight, however there are some people who believe it is wrong and should not be allowed.

Many people believe that in the archaic religious view of homosexuality, especially in forms of Christianity, …show more content…

Many people believe that gay marriage isn’t actually marriage. Again, going back to religion, “Same-sex marriage, however, is not just a legal matter. It is also a religious issue. For millennia, Western civilization has strictly understood marriage to be the union between a man and a woman. This definition, grounded in biblical beliefs about the nature of God and humanity, was reflected in common morality and civil law” (Guroian). Once again, this is so old, outdated, and translated so many times that it really shouldn’t still be a reference to base these views upon. Some people believe that gay marriage is one of the wrongest things ever. They believe that if this happens then why shouldn’t other marriages seen as wrong be legal: “If marriage is no longer defined as strictly between a man and a woman, why shouldn't widows or widowers, brothers or sisters, and the like, who live together for mutual assistance and economic reasons, be granted licenses for domestic partnerships that entitle them to the legal benefits and protections now accorded to married couples?” (Guroian). There is an issue to this way of thinking though. Gay marriage does not have any effect on offspring of any sort, much unlike the union of brothers and sisters, which can result in many biological defects. Gay marriage however does not produce this effect. In fact, it doesn’t produce any offspring at all, therefore some people may say it is very good to have it because it doesn’t contribute to overpopulation of the earth. Not only does it not cause any defects, but many people will simply tell you that it is just what it says, marriage: “I'm a humanist celebrant who has had the honor of performing marriage ceremonies for both same- and opposite-sex couples, and I can tell you that the only essential difference between these unions is the gender combination of the dolls on the cake—that and the harassment and disproportionate