
Young Goodman Brown Symbolism Essay

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As symbolism is used in young goodman brown is used in a very good example of allegory, in young goodman brown both objects and people are used as symbolism in the story. In the story of young goodman brown its a constant , struggle between good and evil take place withhin the mind and conscious of goodman brown. The symbolism began with goodman brown when Faith, browns wife asks him not to go on an errand which then he goes to the forest, the forest that goodman brown ventures into is a symbol within itself. Within the days of the puritans the townspeople were forbidden to go into the forest because it was believed that evil lurked there among the presence of indians and witches, who were accused of satanic rituals . Goodman brown says “my …show more content…

When young goodman brown first met the antagonist the devil himself he noticedf a staff that appeared as if it was alive, brown dismissed the snake like appearance to be trickery. The snake represented the true evil and sly character of this man, the snake was chosen because it is symbolically evil and has a certain slyness about it when it close in on its prey, The devil appeared to have characteristics similar to brown, and could could even be mistaken for his father. The devil tells of how browns own family members were his acquaintances and the holiest of priests, as goodman brown realizes all of what he thought was good and pure was really dark and evil he clings to faith. “My faith is gone” , represents goodman, symbolizing the last of what he believed to be pure and untouched by evil was now gone along with his faith. Brown seemed to allow himself to be overtaken by the evil and then stumbled upon a midnight worship of the devil where he spied faith. The path that goodman brown took that night forever changed him, he was so disturbed that he could not even trust his faith who ran to welcome him

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