Zeus Vs Greek Mythology

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Greek mythology was when people shared myths about gods, goddesses and hero of the world. It all took place on Mount Olympus in Greece and the underworld Greek gods were worshiped by people as supreme beings that ruled parts of the world. They explained the creation, death, and afterlife of people. It The greek cultures has been passed on by many people people from from centuries ago. Zeus was the god of the sky and the ruler all of the gods. He was considered the father of all people because he protected them and helped them when it was needed. His power was thunder and lightning that helped him succeed by letting him throw thunderbolts at people who displeased him or caused harm to good people. He also controlled the weather …show more content…

He spared Prometheus and Epimetheus because they didn’t fight against him with the their people, the Titans, but he gave them a job to do that was to create a creature on earth. Prometheus started to create human beings and on the other hand, his brother created creatures as fast as possible without thinking and gave his creatures all the gifts that Zeus had given to them. So Prometheus thought about making man big as the gods, so he asked to give him fire. A source says, “The fire belongs to the gods and to the gods alone!", how dare you return asking for more!” roared Zeus”(J.M. Hunt). Prometheus knew that man needed fired so the people can live like gods so he stole it. When Zeus wasn’t looking he took it to earth. He gave it to the people and they can take care of themselves. People were thankful for this gift so they started to make temples representing the gods. Zeus was unhappy that Prometheus betrayed him, but he like how people sacrificed so much for so he feels stronger. Prometheus tricked Zeus into sharing his sacrifices with the people, but that angered Zeus and he sent him to the top of the mountain were a bird would rip his stomach every day. He was saved by one Zeus’ sons for thinking of the well being of people. Before getting freed, Zeus wanted to punish men too, so he sent something to