Zoos Underrated Animal Abuse

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As a child, enjoying the circuses and zoos was a fun and normal activity. Granted, that it still is. Where else is one going to see exotic animals without having to pay the travel price? But that’s just the thing, as a society it’s not a rare thing to see animals in captivity, now it’s seen as a normal thing. It’s weird that dogs and cats are considered as house animals and are treated with respect, but when it comes to other domesticated animals,there isn’t much care for them. Zoos and circuses are two forms of underrated animal abuse because they prod animals to perform, they are not attended to during times of injury, and side effects from the abuse that include physical as well as mental trauma.

When thinking about zoos, the first …show more content…

During the year they have to travel long distances in box cars having to adjust to climate control, while as having to sleep, eat and defecate in the same cage. As when they do get to go out they are then getting whipped, hit, poked and being shocked as a way of disciplining them. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) don't give much of care for these animal , or even give an inspection. Like the furry friends kept at home that are taken care of they are also used for one’s entertainment like them one takes care of them wanting the best for them. Shouldn’t zoo’s and circuses do the same for the animals that they care for, taking care of them the same way with kindness and pleasing them. Knowing that Zoos and circuses are two forms of underrated animal abuse because they prod animals to perform, they are not attended to during times of injury, and side effects from the abuse that include physical as well as mental trauma. Does it still seem right to take away someone from their home and make them live lives that they don’t want to be in. Like everyone and especially Zoo and circus animals we rather live where they belong, being free and not having to worry about when the next beating or when they would get to be able to be free . They also deserve that much being free and the wild where they