
Zoroastrianism Vs Judaism

726 Words3 Pages

Brittany Rotonda
Western Civilization
Formal Writing

A religion is a structured collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate civilization to an order of existence. Judaism is the religious belief of the Jews, while Zoroastrianism is the older religion of the Iranian people better known as the Persians and Medes. Atenism is best described as a religion devoted to a single god while accepting the existence of other gods. Monotheism is founded on the idea that there is only one god, believers think that this one God created all of reality without any help. However they don’t simply just believe in and worship a single god, they also rejected the thought that there are gods of any other religious faiths. The …show more content…

They also believed it was God who gave them the 10 commandments to Moses who according to the people was their prophet or “leader” in Egypt. Traditionally, Jews pray three times a day, studying the Torah is also considered an act of worshiping God as well as celebrating the Sabbath, the seventh day of each week, which is spent in prayer and in rest. The Jewish people had laws that were covered in the Talmud which were the foundations of Jewish ideology. Women were treated poorly and considered tainted because they went through childbirth and …show more content…

He is considered to be the creator of the whole universe extending from the creation of life, the reason for all goodness and happiness. Zoroastrians try not to harm the environment they live in keeping everything around them from air, food and water free from pollution. Zoroastrians live their daily lives based on three creeds which are good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, at the age of seven they bind these three creeds to the children. Good versus evil is a very important component in this religion based on our decisions and ideas. With good actions and ideas will come heaven, and with bad actions and behavior will come hell. Zoroastrianism is based on Zoroaster, the perisian prophet his name commonly known in the West is from the Greek form of his original name, Zarathushtra meaning shining light. There were seven guardians of nature including Ahura Mazda as the wise lord, then comes Vohu Manah or good mind, Asha Vahishta or highest truth, Khshathra Vairya or desirable dominion, Spenta Armaiti or holy devotion, Haurvatat or wholeness and lastly Ameretat or immortality. It was thought the each of these are practiced by each individual in everyday

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