2009 WTA Tour Essays

  • Essay Comparing Citizen And Baldwin's Notes Of A Native Son

    801 Words  | 4 Pages

    In Rankins book Citizen and Baldwin's Notes of a Native Son we learn that the books are about the racial differences of the past and present. We learn that in Notes of a Native Son it captures a view on the black life of a father and son at the peak of the civil rights movement. These harsh times allow Baldwin to wonder and doubling back to a state of grace. While in Citizen we learn that our experiences of race are often beginning in the unconsciousness and in the imagination and tangled in words

  • Argumentative Essay On Nelson Mandela

    742 Words  | 3 Pages

    I am a white man, a business leader in my community in Johannesburg, and I am not a supporter of the apartheid. Apartheid, this policy or system of segregation and discrimination based on race, is simply not the answer to growing a strong society and government. We are fast approaching a new millenium and yet we still live in the dark ages of oppressive behavior within our society. While other countries have moved forward and made progress by desegregating, our nation has continued to fight against

  • Political And Economic Factors Of Liberia

    812 Words  | 4 Pages

    Political and Economic Factors Leibenow (1969) traced the historical development of Liberia and the method of governance as factors in the national conflict in the Liberian society. Similarly, Sawyer (1996) observed that even the motto inscribed on Liberia’s official coat of arms, The Love of Liberty Brought Us Here, excluded the Africans who were living on the land before the settlers arrived. Such exclusions of the Africans from government employment and taxation without representation greatly

  • Personal Essay: The Best Golf Player

    1840 Words  | 8 Pages

    Out of everyone who lives in the world, 60 million people play golf at least once a year. Are you one of these people? And if so, are you interested in getting to know how to play the game at your best and beat your friends? You would be able to join the greatest game there is by having fun and having bragging rights over your friends. I have been playing the game pretty much my whole life, but I didn’t start playing competitively until I was about 14. The goal to win is to get the golf ball in the

  • Stranger In The Empty Night Analysis

    1519 Words  | 7 Pages

    escaping a country that he didn’t believe cared much for him. He was an army man who longed for affection from the country that he so dutifully served. “Seeing the city sinking… while making promises it couldn’t keep, would have pleased him” (Rosen, 2009). In his final moments taking in the last glimpses of his country, Stubbs wishes it would at least make a diminutive attempt to change his mind, but what he didn’t realize was that coming to terms with leaving was a major part of his existential

  • Ernie Els: The Big Easy

    993 Words  | 4 Pages

    I recall years ago as a youngster, watching ‘The Big Easy’ better known as Ernie Els drive and putt his way to the 1994 United States Open title at age 24. His six-foot three-inch South African frame, almost as if still asleep, would slumber across the golf course, making ridiculous shot after ridiculous shot, on his way to his first major title. Six months later, now 25 years old, Els brought that same easy laid back style to the shores of Jamaica, in what was then, the richest golf tournament

  • Advantages Of Joining A Golf Country Club

    1045 Words  | 5 Pages

    Joining a Golf Country Club A golf nation club is something a great deal of golfers consider sooner or later. In case you're a learner, you're likely as yet cutting your teeth on people in general courses and not genuinely considering the clubs. In any case, in the event that you jump at the chance to play all the time, joining a club can appear to be enticing. All things considered, some abnormal state golf visits play at a percentage of the best nation clubs. In any case, there are both points

  • Popular Culture Consumption

    2717 Words  | 11 Pages

    Introduction This project investigates how popular culture can affect youth consumption by the example of singer Taylor Swift. Youth consumers that age from 15 to 25 year-old, from the United Nation definition of youth, are the targets of my investigation. Youth identities and experiences have increasing being defined by consumption. They tend to buy products related to the celebrities and influence by the popular culture. Their consumption habits are being influence by media. There is ‘personal

  • Why Chess Should Be Considered A Sport

    547 Words  | 3 Pages

    When people say the word sport they think of : football, basketball, soccer,and baseball. Not everyone thinks that chess is a sport, but chess fits the requirements for a sport except it doesn 't have any physical exercise.Nevertheless chess should be considered a sport all around the world because it is competitive, it is played throughout the world, and finally it is Olympic recognized. Firstly ,Competitivity is a key component in all sports. Chess and competitive go hand in hand. Nigel

  • The Role Of Heroes In Tiger Woods

    309 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tiger Woods, Lance Armstrong, Ryan Lochte to name a few. These athletes have accomplished the extraordinary. Tiger Woods is one of the most successful golfers of all time winning the Masters with a record breaking score. Lance Armstrong won the Tour de France seven times in a row. Ryan Lochte, most recently in the news, is a twelve time Olympic Medalist. All of these men were seen as a “hero” at one time by the public for their achievements, medals and honors.

  • Personal Narrative-Racism

    717 Words  | 3 Pages

    “You only fail when you stop trying.”- Anonymous. I was at Brookfield High School about to swim the 100m Freestyle. I was there because my mom signed me up to swim, but I didn 't want to because that meant we had to wake up at 5am to get their on time. However, I was there to race against also just me and the some other random kids and were about to swim our hearts out trying to win. The seconds before the race were the most tenseful seconds of my life. It was time to finally got on the blocks

  • The Argument That Golf Is Not A Sport At All

    295 Words  | 2 Pages

    Some people say golf isn’t a sport at all. They say all you do is walk around and swing a club at a ball. Golf is a sport and many people agree with that statement. The definition of sport states that golf is a sport. “An athletic activity requiring skill or physical prowess and often of a competitive nature, as racing, baseball, tennis, golf, bowling, wrestling, boxing, hunting, fishing, etc”. In that definition of sport it shows that golf is a sport like many other sports. Golf is traditionally

  • President's Cup Tournament Research Paper

    653 Words  | 3 Pages

    The 2015 President’s Cup tournament proved to be a very exciting and enjoyable to watch. This match play tournament, which is a part of the PGA tour, was held at the Jack Nicklaus Golf Club Korea in South Korea. This course provided a challenging environment that allowed the players on both teams to really work to demonstrate their skills in the sport of golf. In a very exciting 1 point victory, the United States team defeated the International team 15.5-14.5 at the end of the 4 days of competition

  • Personal Narrative: Golf

    630 Words  | 3 Pages

    Kian Cahall I stood silently, not moving. I could smell the scent of the freshly cut grass as a gentle breeze heaved across the crowded golf course. The nerves were building up in my body. I was so nervous and hoping I didn't miss. The club was gripped tightly in my hands. This was it. Clang! the ball whizzed into the air . It was a clouded day at the Egypt Valley Golf Course. My grandpa and I had just finished hitting balls on the crowed range. My grandpa taught me a new stance that

  • A Comparison Of Tiger Woods Vs. Jack Nicklaus

    907 Words  | 4 Pages

    The greatest of all time. A title that most people in sports strive for, but also a title that is only held by a select number of people. It is something that sportscasters feed off of. They love to take athletes that played in different eras and pin them against each other in a debate of the best. One of the most heated debates is between Tiger Woods vs Jack Nicklaus to decide who is the greatest golfer of all time. Both golfers were the best in the world for an outstanding number of years, but

  • Women's Golf Classic Ads

    858 Words  | 4 Pages

    The advertisement I chose was MasterCard’s Women’s Golf Classic advertisement. This is a very simple advertisement, it is simply a white and brown heel at a tee box. The whole idea of this advertisement to show MasterCard’s partnership with the Women’s Golf Classic. Doing this shows the target market of 50 to 60-year-old women are connected to their wallets by their everyday life. The general audience of this advertisement is women between the age of 50s and 60s. According to Tyler Pringle’s The

  • College Essay About Golf Courses

    1576 Words  | 7 Pages

    What do golfers look out for in a course? The common golf player often seek for a course that will take him or her to the limit. There is no comparison in the achievement in defeating yourself and getting through the struggle that golf offers you. A golf course that will not provide a breath taking surroundings, but will also offer a reasonable level of difficulty is a delight for players. Public courses that are utilized for tournaments are also a good experience for the average player, they also

  • Tiger Woods Research Paper

    800 Words  | 4 Pages

    Tiger Woods By: Jude Laskey 7B 2-23-17 “One thing that my parents have taught me is to never listen to other people’s expectations. You should live your own life and live up to your own expectations, and those are the only things I really care about” -Tiger Woods, (mactoons.com) Many believe that Tiger Woods is the greatest golf player of all time. His incredible golf career is legendary to all of golf and even the entire realm of sports. Tiger is known for his career

  • Identity In The Importance Of Being Earnest

    1172 Words  | 5 Pages

    Art, artifice and identity is the theme explored through the use of the two chosen stimulus texts Grayson Perry: Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl and The Importance of Being Earnest, written by Wendy Jones and Oscar Wilde respectively. Art and artifice merge as Grayson Perry uses his alter-ego, Claire, to express his creativity and identity. Similarly, the artifice of an alter-ego is part of The Importance of Being Earnest, as the play's protagonists, Jack and Algernon, deceive family and friends

  • Case Study: Ping Ping Ball Launcher

    2280 Words  | 10 Pages

    CHAPTER: (1) Introduction 1.1 Problem Summary and Introduction: The goal for our group is to design a ping pong ball launcher. The launcher needs to be scheduled to launch one solo ping pong ball one at a time over a set obstacle and into a bucket of a chosen diameter. The determination is for the launcher to have the capability to launch five ping pong balls one at a time into the container within one minute, having none of the ping pong balls bounce out or miss the bucket. The launcher can