Aquatic plants Essays

  • Genetic Pollination In Aquatic Plants

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    Throughout evolution, plants have developed various mechanisms to attract animals for reproduction and to deter herbivore for survival. Many plant species possess traits to attract animals, or pollinators, for reproduction. Not all plants require pollinators for pollination. Grasses and many conifers are wind pollinated, and pollination by water commonly occurs among aquatic plants (Faegri & Van Der Pijl, 2013). This mechanism is known as abiotic pollination. In biotic pollination, however, pollinators

  • Argumentative Essay: Is Keeping Animals In Captivity Wrong?

    812 Words  | 4 Pages

    Argumentative Essay: Is keeping animals in captivity wrong? By Fu Yat Tsing P6Y Everyone loves a good trip to the zoo. Who doesn’t love dolphin shows and awesome animals? When we think of zookeepers, the image of caring humans playing with animals always come to mind. However, what people don’t realise is that behind the scenes, those very animals suffer from boredom and immense stress in their artificial enclosures. Don’t keep animals in captivity, and stop animal abuse. In captivity, animals

  • Zoos Should Be Abolished Essay

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    Zoos are an unsuitable environment for wild animals and should be abolished. A zoo cannot provide the perfect environment for every type of animal. Also, one of the biggest reasons zoos exist is not for helping animals in danger, but in fact breeding them for human enjoyment.Starting thousands of years ago, zoos attracted large crowds around the world. Because of that, everyone today has seen, been to, or heard of a zoo at least once in their lifetime. From the article Why Do European Zoos kill

  • Examples Of Connotation In A Hanging By George Orwell

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    In “A Hanging”, Orwell uses connotation, contrast, syntax, and other forms of language to emphasize a point on how he believes that capital punishment is wrong. The prison and its contents are introduced right at the beginning. The first thing mentioned is the “sickly light, like yellow tinfoil” which is “slanting over the high walls into the jail yard” (page 1). The light described as sickly gives a bad connotation, setting a very grim mood from the beginning. Tinfoil is also an unnatural substance

  • Zoos Should Be Banned Essay

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    I take the position that Zoos should be banned Introduction Torture. Abuse. Death. That is what zoo animals suffer while being imprisoned in zoos. Zoos ignore their animals natural needs, such as the need to hunt, run, and be free. They claim that they help animals, but here are some reasons of how they don't. My first reason of why zoos should be banned is abuse. My second reason of why zoos should be banned is because they give their animals small habitats or cages to live in. My third reason

  • Duckweed Lab Report

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    Duckweed ORT. Dylan Nourse INTRODUCTION Duckweed is a water plant that grows and floats above or just below the surface of fresh slow moving water and is part of the Araceae family and reproduces through asexual budding. Hypothesis: Duckweed grows best in water

  • Persuasive Essay: Why Should Zoos Should Be Banned?

    755 Words  | 4 Pages

    Imagine you are taken from your home, mother, and environment to a small cage where everybody is looking at you, taking pictures, and having fun. Your owners sell you to a bad zoo where all animals only get food sometimes and the bare cages are cold because your getting too expensive to feed an deven take care of. This is why I take the position that zoos should be banned because they can cause Animal cruelty, Too expensive, and finding new homes. Do you want to do this? Probably not. One reason

  • Should Endangered Animals Be In Zoos Essay

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    Should non endangered animals be in zoos because they are not have right care? Non endangered animals should not be in a zoo because they do live in zoos, they are stressed out in a zoo, and they do not have a lot of space in the enclosure The first reason that the animals are stressed out on how they do not have enough space. Researchers found that the animals are stressed out about how they are stressed out about how they have every little space in the enclosure admittedly the zookeepers said

  • Persuasive Essay About Zoos Research

    726 Words  | 3 Pages

    You walk into the most popular zoo in your state. You’re fascinated by all the variety of animals from opposite habitats that can all live in one place without problems. Then you start to notice how different their behavior is from when you learned about animals in school. You find it odd. Zoos have been around for a long time. They used to just be small amounts of animals that were being properly taken care of. Most zoos now focus on the entertainment for people and to do research on the animals

  • Are Zoos Ethical Essay

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    Are zoos good or bad? Most people think that they are good… but they just do not know about the other side of zoos. Female african elephants live 17 years in zoos but when they are in the wild they live 56 years. Zoos are unethical and should let all there animals out because they are bad for humans, hurt and separate animals, and Unhealthy for animals. Zoos are bad for humans, most people do not believe it but zoos are not educating us, they are hurting us. Evidence for zoos are bad for humans

  • Why We Should Ban Zoos

    941 Words  | 4 Pages

    Inside the world of zoos what you see is not always the truth. Behind the cages and gates, wild animals suffer from harsh treatments from staff members and even madness from living in small, enclosed prison-like cages. At the Scarborough Sea Life Centre located in Scarborough, England, the Humboldt penguins are given antidepressants because they are not “adapted to the rainy British climate, which is drastically different from their natural environment on the coast of South America.” (PETA UK). While

  • Argumentative Essay: Should Zoos Be Banned?

    759 Words  | 4 Pages

    Imagine you are taken from your home, mother, and environment to a small cage where everybody is looking at you, taking pictures, and having fun. Your owners sell you to a bad zoo where all animals only get food sometimes and the bare cages are cold because you’re getting too expensive to feed and even take care of. This is why I take the position that zoos should be banned because they can cause Animal cruelty, Too expensive, and finding new homes. Say no to zoos! One reason why Zoos should be

  • Limiting Factors: The Life Of A Duckweed

    1120 Words  | 5 Pages

    Duckweed is one of the smallest flowering aquatic plants and is present in fresh water or wetland habitats. Though it looks mundane, there is an intricate biological mechanism which is affected by factors such as limiting factors, carrying capacity, logistic and exponential population growth, density dependent and density independent limiting factors, competition, interspecific and intraspecific competition, and optimal growth conditions. All of these will be discussed in this essay to understand

  • Ecosystem In A Bottle Lab Report

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    Ecosystems in a Bottle Purpose: To develop a model to describe the cycling of matter and the flow of energy among living and nonliving parts of an ecosystem. Hypothesis: Aquatic: If the snails and shrimp eat the hornwort, then the hornwort will die. If the snails, shrimp, and daphnia are in the water and the plant is dead, then the water will become murky. Terrestrial: If the worms keep decomposing the soil, then the grass will grow to be very tall. If the worms keep decomposing the

  • Pekin Duck Speech

    861 Words  | 4 Pages

    In these first two weeks, you must shelter them and heat them (most likely with a heating lamp). If you feed them a lot of feed, plants, dandelion green, and bugs, then this should cause them to gain the ability to, as a six-week-old, stay outside for twenty-four hours. You see, Pekins are sort of like whales. The more they intake, the more blubber they get, which will insulate

  • Lab Report Duckweed

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    thought it might but all in all we discovered what we wanted to know. Duckweed is a plant that grows in still or mostly still water such as lakes and ponds. Duckweed grows rapidly and can easily cover the top of a pond and black out sun and air causing most animals or microorganisms to die. In the experiment the attempt to find out how duckweed would act based on different pH levels. Our goal was to see if plants can grow with high or low levels of pH added to the pond water it was previously in

  • Discuss The Effects That Varying Light Intensities Have On Photosynthesis

    476 Words  | 2 Pages

    effects that varying light intensities have on photosynthesis in the aquatic plant, Elodea Densa. Photosynthesis takes place in plants, algae, and cyanobacteria that capture the light energy in sunlight which will later be used to convert CO2 and water into oxygen and glucose. The carbohydrate glucose helps build leaves, flowers, seeds, and can be converted to cellulose that is used for structural support in the cell wall of plants. Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplast when CO2 from the air diffuses

  • Photosynthesis Lab Conclusion

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    the photosynthesis rate. This is because reactions occur when the plant enzymes collide and bind with a substrate. The increase in temperature would mean an increase in the kinetic energy of the plant enzymes meaning they would move faster, and therefore collide more frequently with the substrates, so as a result an increase of photosynthesis occurs. However when a system reaches a certain temperature, usually around 40° C, the plant enzymes become denatured, causing an immediate decrease in photosynthesis

  • Plankton Lab Report

    2192 Words  | 9 Pages

    ABSTRACT The ecosystem is an ecological system formed by the relationship reciprocity is inseparable between living things and their environment. Aquatic ecosystems lab course pooled aims to acknowledge and study of the characteristics of the aquatic ecosystem is pooled. This lab course held on Sunday, 29 August 2010 in Situ Gede region Quadrant II at station 6. Methods undertaken in this lab course is sampling (sampling methods) which includes interviews, field observation and data collection techniques

  • How Does The Concentration Of Distilled Water Affect The Rate Of Photosynthesis Lab

    1364 Words  | 6 Pages

    Abstract: Photosynthesis is a metabolic process common to plants. The process utilizes inorganic CO2 to produce sugars. The waste product of this metabolic reaction is oxygen. There are several factors which can influence O2 production of photosynthesis such as increase in temperature, increase in light intensity, etc. In this experiment, the effect of varying CO2 concentrations on an aquatic plant species is examined. It is hypothesized that different concentrations of CO2 ¬will yield different