Argonne National Laboratory Essays

  • Willard Libby And The Manhattan Project

    407 Words  | 2 Pages

    Willard Libby was born on December 17, 1908 in Grand Valley Colorado. In 1927, Libby went to the University of California where he studied until 1933. After graduating he was appointed to Instructor of Chemistry at the University and then in the next ten years to assistant then to associate professor of chemistry. In 1941 he was awarded the Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship and he was elected to work at Princeton University. However things changed on December 8, when America entered into

  • Negligence In The Medical Profession

    2537 Words  | 11 Pages

    Every act or omission by a healthcare professional can have dire results on his patient. Medical negligence is mainly the application of the general law of negligence on to the medical profession. The elements of negligence are the duty of care, breach of that duty of care, causation and actual damage to that person or property1. The same principles applies in medical negligence, however specific to this area, more attention is paid in the areas of causation and the level of standard of care that

  • Kangaroo Lab Report

    822 Words  | 4 Pages

    It was just a regular day at the science lab in Australia. I was working on a pill that will stop bad gas, Caiden (another scientist) was trying to figure out why animals have so much hair, and Caleb was taking a nap. Caiden was examining the hair of a kangaroo and a giraffe. I just finished creating my mixture to make the pill and that 's when it happened; Caleb farted so loud it made the lab shake. My mixture was shaking back and forth, and “CRASH” my mixture fell on the two animals and a huge

  • Being A Redhair Essay

    848 Words  | 4 Pages

    Living As A Fiery Redhead Have you ever wondered why people have redhair? Or what makes someone’s hair red? That’s the part that can be tricky to understand, even to someone who was born with redhair. Redhair is a distinct feature that often stands out in a crowd. People with red hair, commonly referred to as redheads or gingers, have a unique and recognizable personality that impacts their lives in many different ways. There are many things associated with being a redhead. Such as, certain traits

  • Cover Letter For Research Assistant Position

    512 Words  | 3 Pages

    Dear Dr. Hein, I wish to apply my skills and knowledge in synthetic organic chemistry to the Research Assistant position in the Hein Lab at the University of British Columbia for the Summer of 2023. My career goal is to conduct exploratory research while educating and instilling passion in young individuals as a research professor of organic chemistry. Presently, I am completing my Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Life Science, and Environmental Science at the University of British Columbia. I

  • Potato Catalase Lab Report

    866 Words  | 4 Pages

    This lab consists of four main parts, all relating to the main purpose of observing and measuring the effects that changes in temperature, pH, and enzyme concentration can have on reaction rates of an enzyme catalyzed reaction, as mentioned previously. In the first part we observe a normal catalase reaction and rate its reaction rate. In the second part we learned which tissues, of the ones tested, contained catalase. In the third part we saw how temperature can leave an effect on catalase activity

  • 1-2 Anatomical Observation

    851 Words  | 4 Pages

    . Results 3.1 Appearance, behavior observation statistics and the number of deaths in mice Blank group white light color and coat is compact, light red tail. Mice binocular rotating flexible and quick act freely. Normal diet in mice, defecate appears necessarily easy to disperse state of particles. The model of group of colour and lustre is dim, is mixed and disorderly dispersed hair. Mental state is poor, diet are greatly reduced, behavior, dull eyes and without god. Liquor after lavage lethargy

  • Chemical Reaction Lab Report

    1433 Words  | 6 Pages

    Tanay Bapna –The focus of our 4th quarter in 9th Grade Science was chemistry. We spent a lot of time in the lab seeing first hand how chemical reactions occur, and practiced writing descriptive designs for the labs we did. Our lab and projects included a melting point lab, flame test lab, an atomic theory essay, a carbon dioxide lab, a pennies to gold lab, and a hydrogen lab. Next year students in 10th grade at HIS will study biology. Tanay is an excellent chemistry student. In the lab he was

  • Purification Of 4-Dibromobenzene

    1445 Words  | 6 Pages

    Experiment Title: A Separation and Purification Scheme. Kunal Patel T.A: Justin Maxwell 2460-008 November 8, 2016 Introduction: This experiments main purpose was to separate and purify the components of the unknown substance given. The unknown had been allotted in the lab according to the initials of the last name. The three unknown components were 50% o-toluic acid, 40% fluorene and 1,4-dibromobenzene. This lab was essential because each student had to create the lab protocol for the lab

  • Persuasive Essay About Time Travel

    751 Words  | 4 Pages

    Have you ever wondered if time travel is possible? If so how would you use it? Space travel has been a question to many astronomers from around the world. According to”We cannot avoid moving into our futures, but we can control the rate that we move through time.” So this is saying that space travel is possible we encounter it daily and it is possible to manipulate it. Overall time traveling would be a huge advantage. It would give us the ability to change our history, save important historical

  • Persuasive Speech On Animal Behavior

    1024 Words  | 5 Pages

    Wondering why animals act a certain way is possibly a question that can never be answered correctly. Asking why animals act a certain way in an environment though, now that may be a question that can be answered! It has become a proven fact that animals act differently in every different environment and around every different animal or person. For instance, take a lion that is being taken from his home environment to a zoo. Of course, that lion is going to act up before he gets used to his environment

  • Persuasive Speech Animal Testing

    1084 Words  | 5 Pages

    Specific Purpose: By the end of my speech, the audience will know about the problem of conducting experiments on animals and the ethical issue of the cruel treatment of animals by the researchers. While the problem of conducting experiments on animals draws attention of the society, the speech would present the limitation of animal experiments and outline the alternatives. Central Idea: 1. Conducting experiments on animals has become one of crucial ethical issues of the modern society and it has

  • Personal Narrative: Hi, Im Bean The Ghosts

    854 Words  | 4 Pages

    Hi, im Bean the ghost, i was abandoned by my parents when i was 8 months old. I was left at these old peoples house that i really hate. I have lived in Michigan for my whole life and now im 17 years old and the only friend i have is a jelly bean jar, his name is Jammy. He sometimes gives me jelly beans and it reminds me of eating little kids. Anyways im here to tell you about how my life changed by a little boy named Flib. I was in my room on a cold, wet, happy day when I saw one of those cars

  • Personal Narrative: Hi, Im Bean The Ghosts

    1712 Words  | 7 Pages

    (Draft #1) Hi, im Bean the ghost, i was abandoned by my parents when i was 8 months old. I was left at these old peoples house that i really hate. I have lived in Michigan for my whole life and now im 17 years old and the only friend i have is a jelly bean jar, his name is Jammy. He sometimes gives me jelly beans and it reminds me of eating little kids. Anyways im here to tell you about how my life changed by a little boy named Flib. I was in my room on a cold, wet, happy day when I saw one

  • Methyl Orange Synthesis Lab Report

    579 Words  | 3 Pages

    Before proceeding with the experiment, the theoretical yield was calculated to be 0.945 g. After preparation of the product, the theoretical yield was used to determine the percent yield, which was found to be 79%. Due to this reasonable yield, it was concluded that the synthesis of methyl orange had been successful. Data Table 1 gives the results and observations that were recorded throughout the preparation of methyl orange. According to literature, methyl orange is an azo dye that forms orange

  • Absolute Configuration Lab Report

    530 Words  | 3 Pages

    Elmarthy Janetty Gallarde 26693005 Section: 40814 Absolute Configuration Determination Introduction In order to further explore the absolute configuration and to emphasize its importance, the purpose of the experiment is to determine the stereoisomer of the unknown secondary alcohol. In this experiment, the unknown secondary alcohol will be identified using H1 NMR spectroscopy analysis. Additionally, the absolute configuration of the analyte will be analyzed using the competing enantioselective

  • Click Chemistry Reactions: An Experimental Study

    458 Words  | 2 Pages

    Several protocols were used throughout the extent of the experimentation, such as during the development and purification of the organic complex. In the developmental phase of the organic complex, traditional methods of cycloaddition reactions were studied and analyzed to provide a basic understanding of a possible design for a practical reaction with cyclooctyne, The characteristics of Click Chemistry reactions were also studied and aided the experimental design of this project. The methodology

  • Chemical Weathering Lab Report

    482 Words  | 2 Pages

    The laboratory exercise that I performed was to simulate the physical and chemical weathering of rock. During this exercise, the materials that I used were white vinegar, a piece of blue chalk broken into 5 equal parts, water, plastic bag, 5 small cups, and a measuring cup. The purpose of this exercise was to determine which factors were physical weathering and which were chemical weather. I would also be able to determine what factors affect the rate of weathering. My hypothesis: The white

  • Stanley Milgram Experiment Research Paper

    770 Words  | 4 Pages

    Name: Abdullah Ali Mohammed Date: 28/12/2017 Stanley Milgram Experiment The Stanley Milgram experiment is the study of the way people respond to obedience. It’s a social psychological experiment conducted by Stanley Milgram. It’s one of the most important experiments ever administered. This research raised a lot of ethical issues as a lot of people argued if it is ethically right or wrong. In this essay, I will talk about this experiment and its results. I will also mention the ethical view of

  • Tort Observation

    874 Words  | 4 Pages

    According to Rebore (…), “a tort is a civil wrong, other than a breach or conduct committed against a person or a person’s property” (p. ). The school was examined from the point of view of anomalies that could cause injuries and harm that could result in an action for a tort. The purpose of this assessment is to observe and document areas at a particular school as acceptable or need for improvement within the framework of federal and state law. The Tort Walk showed that the following arenas: classrooms