Boson Essays

  • Proposal To Read And Do My Research On The Higgs Boson

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    This week I chose to read and do my research on the Higgs Boson. While doing my research, I realized two things. The first thing I realized is that Scientific Journals are not always written for the layman (or common folk) to read. They are written for other professionals that already know a good amount on the topic for which it is being written. For example, in The Higgs Boson by Jon Butterworth he says, “Eventually, you get the component molecules or atoms. But these can be further broken down

  • Higgs Boson Theory

    879 Words  | 4 Pages

    What is the Higgs Boson? Will it destroy the universe? By:Gage Minke Tates Creek High School My project is about the Higgs Boson. The Higgs Boson is a particle in physics that is referred to as the God Particle. The higgs boson is a theory that gives mass to elementary particles. The Higgs boson is a particle that brought scientists to their knees. The Higgs boson does not "explain" physics Bosons are a type of subatomic particle which can occupy the same point in space as each other

  • Peter Higgs Controversy

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    What the heck is a higgs boson, maybe some type of foreign food? Peter Higgs is a physicist who way back in the 1960’s proposed a new model to explain where mass comes from in elementary particles. Higgs was interested in similar theories at the time such as the Goldstone theory. He in large worked off of the works and theories of other physicists such as Yoichiro Nambu. At the time there seemed to be a fundamental scientific controversy over the theory surrounding this subject. Soon Higgs had concocted

  • Why Does The Higgs Field Give Mass To Particles

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    INTRODUCTION In this essay I am writing about some particles that I researched or took notes on. The particle I researched for was the Higgs Boson. The particle I took notes on are the Boson, Quarks, Leptons, and Dark Matter. Higgs Boson Who Was Higgs? Peter Higgs was born on the 29th of May 1929 in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK. Peter Higgs was an emeritus(emeritus means a person retired from professional life but allowed to keep as an honorary the title of the rank in the last office held) professor

  • How Did Peter Higgs Contribute To Physics

    876 Words  | 4 Pages

    Peter Higgs One does not truly know all the secrets of the universe there is mysterious yet to be discovered in this amazing universe. The god particle discovered by Peter Higgs is one of the great mysterious to this universe we live in today and the past. To truly understand more of how Peter Higgs brain had an understanding of the universe one must travel back in time to the beginning of his life. Understanding his life will not be just to understand his family life but also understand his

  • Pros And Cons Of SSC Cancellation

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    research at the expense of America; those who warned of this eventuality, however, failed to elucidate the meaningful harm of it. In 2013, scientists at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva proved the existence of the Higgs boson using a facility that already had the infrastructure to support the project. If the science could be done anyway at a much cheaper price, does that not benefit science worldwide? National pride is hardly a convincing argument to spend $11

  • Gluon-Graviton Theory

    1206 Words  | 5 Pages

    Abstract GPBG (Gluon- Photon- Boson- Graviton) theory is a new proposed concept for universe formation in the field of particle physics. The four fundamental forces of nature – the strong force, the electromagnetic force, the weak force and the gravitational force are the governing forces of these four particles gluon, photon, boson and graviton respectively. The previous concept of universe formation is a single particle concept whereas this theory projects a four particle presentation

  • Neutral Question Essay

    1592 Words  | 7 Pages

    Humans ask questions on a daily basis. We have a natural urge to understand our surroundings and to develop knowledge about different issues. However, how do we know that the question we create does not have some sort of bias? How do we know that the questions that we create are not already anticipating a certain answer, as we immediately create a scope of possibilities where the answer may be? Before we question the possibility of neutrality in a question, we first have to define what neutrality

  • Explain Why There Are Made Up Of Atoms And Protons

    2011 Words  | 9 Pages

    Everything in the world, all matter that exists, is made up of atoms. Atoms are extraordinarily small. However, there are even smaller particles than atoms. Subatomic particles, such as protons, neutrons, and electrons, were thought to be the smallest particles there were. However, it was discovered that there could be something even smaller. Atoms are made up of two major sections, the nucleus and the electron cloud. Electrons are found in the electron cloud, and the nucleus is made up of protons

  • The Elegant Universe Summary

    885 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene describes things about the universe that most people do not know, from superstring theory to additional dimensions. It describes superstring theory in detail; it describes the basic idea as well as its development through the years up until 1999, when the book was written. It also talks about other dimensions in the universe that are not obvious, which according to superstring theory there are between six and seven of. The book also goes over Calabi-Yau shapes

  • Importance Of Disbelief In Theatre

    1553 Words  | 7 Pages

    Topic 4: “Suspension of disbelief” is an essential feature of theatre. Is it essential in other areas of knowledge? Develop your answer with reference to two areas of knowledge. With no doubt, there are ways in which disbelief may function both in favour and against acquiring knowledge. Some may argue that suspending disbelief — especially in the light of contemporary scientific method — can be considered a form of ignorance. However, it is often essential to take no notice of doubts in order to

  • Neil Degrasse Tyson 4 Forces Of Nature

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    them to propose that there could be a new fundamental force. In the journal published by UCI in late-april, analysis co-author Timothy Tait, professor of physics & astronomy, said, "There's no other boson that we've observed that has this same characteristic. Sometimes we also just call it the 'X boson,' where 'X' means unknown." "The particle is not very heavy, and laboratories have had the energies required to make it since the '50s and '60s," Feng added. "But the reason it's been hard to find

  • Kepler's Argument Against Gravity

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    We can’t see it, but is one of the most accepted things out there. There’s little to no fights from any side that argues against gravity existing like other scientific matters. We know that gravity keeps us rooted on the ground, but there are many more things that it’s involved; it is the force that attracts everything together and maybe that’s why everyone agrees on something for once. During ancient Greek times, philosophers thought that gravity had no relation to the objects in space but they

  • Pros And Cons Of The Large Hadron Collider

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    impossible, but is unlikely. Even if it does happen, then it’ll likely only be the formation of deuterium. The purpose of the Large Hadron Collider is to force naturally occurring reactions so that they can be observed, and theories - like the Higgs Boson - can be

  • Death By Black Hole By Neil Degrasse Tyson

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    In the novel, Death By Black Hole, Neil DeGrasse Tyson proves that the common assumption that the color of our solar system’s sun is yellow, is, in fact, an incorrect belief. Many people think that the sun is yellow because, “Near sunset … the blue light from the sun’s spectrum, lost to the twilight sky, leaves behind a yellow-orange-red hue…”(Tyson 293).This shows why this common misconception is not an easy thing to spot and is understandable why most people incorrectly assume the color of the

  • The Particle Adventure Worksheet

    1054 Words  | 5 Pages

    What are the two carrier particles for the weak interaction? The carrier particles of the weak interactions are the W+, W-, and the Z bosons. The W's are electrically charged and the Z is neutral. Why does all stable matter contain only electrons and the two lightest quarks- the up and down? Stable matter around us contains only electrons and the lightest two quarks (up and down because

  • Paul Revere, Boston, And The Stamp Act

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    was an ordinary man and became involved in many special events. In 1760 Paul revere joined freemasons when British became more of a threat to colonist. Son of liberty and North End Causcus, known as political groups. Paul was in many events like the Boson tea party. Paul was one of the leaders. April 18, 1775 Revere warned Americans on his horse that the British were coming. (Revere) Learning about Paul, Paul takes many occasions in Boston, like the tea party. Boston is a scene

  • Compare And Contrast The French And Indian War

    714 Words  | 3 Pages

    Act. Reaction assumed revolutionary proportions in Boston, in the summer of 1768, when customs officials impounded a sloop owned by John Hancock, for violations of the trade regulations The Boston Massacre 1770 Colonists taunted and hurt Boson soldiers. The result in that is British soldiers retaleated in physical action. British soldiers fired into the crowd of colonists killing 5 of them. Colonists protested and go to court for this and loose. (Townsend Act repealed in 1770). This

  • Informative Essay: The Seven Wonders Of The World

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    Although, I do not know what you are wondering, but you should be wondering about the 7 wonders of the world. Think of it as a perfect travel itinerary from a long, long, long time ago. The Seven World Wonders today are labeled as Chichén Itza in Mexico, Christ the Redeemer a Statue in brazil, Colosseum in Italy, Taj Mahal in India, Great Wall of china, Petra in Jordan, and the Machu Picchu in Peru. Those are great things, but I believe we need to dig deeper than that. I believe the Seven World Wonders

  • Max Tegmark's Our Mathematical Universe

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    reflected in nature that we perceive, but it is also the case the mathematics can be used to predict things in nature that we have not seen yet. We have found physical things through mathematics. The discovery of Neptune, radio waves, and the Higgs Boson particle are all examples of times that math proved the existence of the physical thing before the physical thing was actually observed. Having found physical things through mathematics helps support the claim that mathematics is the underlying principle