Carry Essays

  • Not To Carry

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    permitted on campus. The Arkansas Traveler, student newspaper of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, wrote a fairly compelling argument on the consideration of college students and faculty to be armed on school grounds. In the article “To Carry or Not to Carry: That Is the Question”, The Traveler Editorial Board makes an ineffective argument through the misuse of logical analogies, overuse of pathos and rhetorical questions, and the faulty credibility of outside resources. While many people may agree

  • Open Carry Law Analysis

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    talk about how mass shootings are related to the open carry law and how this can only get worse with time and the passing of the law. I have also seen the honorable side of the law, such as the ability for citizens to protect themselves more efficiently. For instance, if someone is out jogging at night and another person tries to rob him or her, the one being robbed is able to defend himself. On the contrary, as a result of the open carry law, the person doing the robbing also has a gun to use

  • Gun Carry: The Right To Bear Arms

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    harsher punishment regarding illegal gun carry. I also believe there should be a mental evaluation of all individuals, wanting to purchase handguns or military-assault rifles and gun permits because a criminal history check isn’t enough to qualify if someone is allowed to carry a deadly weapon. I’m not saying to eliminate the process of a criminal check, but to incorporate both the mental evaluation and criminal history to give someone the right to carry. I believe in the Second Amendment, the right

  • Concealed Carry On Campus

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    Concealed carry is a very arguable topic, some people do not like the fact that an eighteen to twenty two year old college student is walking around campus with a loaded handgun. However, some people feel safer when they are carrying their handgun. In the world today, it is hard to know when someone is going to enter a classroom or a campus with a gun. One of the main reasons some laws prohibit the carry of firearms on campus is the thought that students may be disrupted by the thought of another

  • Summary Of Open Carry

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    the criminal justice field. According to Lindsay Bramston “Texas Police Chief Express Concern Over Open Carry Law” in an interview with Cedar Park Police, Chief Sean Mannix discusses his perception of the law and its effect. The situation that concerns the police chief are the rubric or guidelines, which legislators have written to carry a concealed weapon “what are the requirements of open carry, what about proof of eligibility?”(S. Man nix, personal communication, April 15,2015). In addition,

  • The Pros And Cons Of Concealed Carry

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    Concealed carry is the practice of carrying a weapon in public in a concealed manner, either on one’s person or in close proximity. In the United States the history of modern concealed carry started with Georgia. In 1976 Zell Miller, state lieutenant governor, introduced what became the model for later laws and his effort was inspired by the National Rifle Association. From here on, Georgia joined a handful of states allowing concealed carry, which started a trend and every state began to pass different

  • Pros And Cons Of Open Carry

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    The open-carry crowd says now people can better protect themselves, they don't have to bother with concealing a gun and, anyway, it's already legal in 44 other states, so why not in gun-loving Texas? For Michael Cargill and Trina Spells, handgun instructors and firearms enthusiasts who both openly carry handguns, they couldn't wait to take advantage of the law. On a recent walkabout in an Austin Wal-Mart, no one really seems to be paying attention to the guns on their hips. Personal safety can cut

  • Essay On Concealed Carry On Campus

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    uproar lately about concealed carry on campus. Many politicians are pushing for increased gun control while many in the south or those affiliated with the NRA are actually pushing to have less gun laws. In this day in time is it really guns that can save us? In one of my classes we had a debated about the concealed carry law that Texas was shortly going to pass. It was actually yesterday, August 1, that they have now begun to allow students over the age of 21 to carry their concealed licenses on

  • Pros And Cons Of Concealed Carry

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    Concealed Carry: Should The Age Be 18 or 20 Years of Age? Guns, they’re already a touchy subject in the world today especially with mass shootings and terrorist attacks on the United States that could happen at any moment and when the new bill proposed to lower the concealed carry permit age to 18 to 20-year-old people, a good number of claims were brought up to go against the bill. With the majority of the people who this bill would affect, most of them are in college at these ages and with most

  • Pros And Cons Of Open Carry

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    Open Carry Open carry of firearms should be legal in all 50 states Bang...Bang...Bang!!! Have you ever wondered how a gun in the hand of a law abiding citizen would change the way people live life. In many states people are beginning to question if their right to bear arms is being infringed upon. Open carry of firearms should be legal in all 50 states. I will look at three points: one positive, one negative, and one that looks at both sides of the issue. My first point about the positives of open

  • Toulmin Analysis Of Campus Carry

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    Analysis Essay on Campus Carry Across the Country, colleges have been debating on how to deal with the issue of campus carry. Campus carry is the idea that students and faculty should have the constitutional right to conceal carry firearms on their respective campus. Some students believe that their rights and being taken away by not being allowed to conceal carry, while other believe that guns only bring violence to campus. In the article, “Students Should Have the Right to Carry Guns on College Campuses”

  • The Pros And Cons Of Open Carry

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    be able to openly carry a firearm without a concealment license? Thirty-one states out of all of the states in the U.S. allow open carry which may be a growing number in the upcoming year (Molla). The rest of the states have make it to where their citizens have to have a concealed handgun license in order to carry a firearm (Molla). The pros and cons of open carry weigh in relatively even which leaves it up to us to make our own opinion about what we believe is right is open carry good or bad? The

  • The Pros And Cons Of Open Carry

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    to own, and especially should be illegal to open carry. The open carry law is different for many states, but there are thirteen states that allow open carry of a handguns with a permit. Just a few of those states are Hawaii, Iowa, Utah, Tennessee and Oklahoma, those are just six of the thirteen states that allow open carry. The thoughts of normal citizens carrying firearms in public has scared this generation. The question of not being to carry a loaded firearm in public,has gun activist thinking

  • Pros And Cons Of Concealed Carry

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    Concealed Carry Concealed carry is carrying a handgun or other weapon in public that is concealed. In 2003, the state of Colorado legalized the use of concealed carry, and a few years later in 2007, a man who was carrying a concealed weapon in church shot a man that opened fire in the church saving countless lives. In 2013, Illinois became the last state to legalize concealed carry, but with all of the gun violence in today’s world many are looking to end the use of concealed weapons and

  • The Pros And Cons Of Conceal Carry

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    Conceal carry is good for you and your future. You can be safe with real protection from danger. Imagine Arnold Schwarzenegger, from the movie The Terminator, breaks in and wants to beat you up? You can prevent violence with an unsheathed gun. Concealed weapons are good because they can be used for defense, the legal permit owners are non-violent, and it deters criminals. Concealed weapons can be used for defense. "’National crime rates have been falling at the same time as gun ownership has

  • The Pros And Cons Of Concealed Carry

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    Concealed carry laws and permitting practices are a very discussed topic in current policy proposals. All states in the US now have to allow concealed carry permits after a decision by the US 7th District Court of Appeals that Illinois had to lift their concealed carry ban. One way gun rights advocates try to justify the point of guns being used to further self defense is the crime rates with respect to concealed carry permits. Some say that the potential victim of a violent crime is a less risk

  • The Pros And Cons Of Concealed Carry

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    The Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017 Concealed Carry is something that many people in today’s society think is a bad thing, but it is really not as long as the user uses it responsibly and correctly. This paper will examine first off what is Concealed Carry; Concealed Carry is the concealment of a firearm that is carried by a person in public and is only to be used if necessary. Currently every eligible man and woman is allowed a Concealed Carry License. These laws should remain

  • The Pros And Cons Of Concealed Carry

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    Texas College Campus Concealed Carry Law Is Dangerous The most famous Texas mass college shooting tragically happened on August 1, 1966 in Austin, Texas by Charles Whitman on the University of Texas campus that killed 16 and injured 31 people. According to a 2006 Texas Monthly article, there were multiple students who returned fire and it was police officers who eventually killed Whitman. There was mass confusion and in interviews after the event, students felt that the return gunfire could have

  • Why Is Concealed Carry Important

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    conceal and carry a weapon or be able to own one for protection. And there are so many reasons why. A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. This is the second amendment of the United States Constitution which was written in 1791 and has been debated ever since.Conceal and carry is the practice of carrying a weapon in

  • Concealed Carry Pros And Cons

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    Allow us to protect ourselves “Concealed Carry” Do you want to be the innocent victim? Or do you want to live to see another day. Concealed carry laws address the practice of carrying a firearm such as a handgun in public in a concealed manner. Currently there is no federal law covering the insurance of concealed carry permits. Also all 50 states have different laws on concealed carry. The state government allows public places such as schools, businesses, hospitals, churches, ECT. To hang a sign