Colloid Essays

  • Water The Cornstarch Will It Still Change Into A Solid-Liquid Matter?

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    If I add any other substance other than water the cornstarch will it still change into a solid-liquid matter? Colloids have the capability to change from a liquid to a solid by movement or even touch. Colloids often harden when they are being moved by if it’s in your hand it will turn into a liquid matter. According to("Science Activity: Is This Stuff a Liquid Or a Solid? | Exploratorium") l the main idea about this subject is to show how to make your own ooze. Isaac Newton identified the properties

  • Pulmonary Oedema Research Paper

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    The size of the embolus will determine how much of the pulmonary vascular system is affected and the seriousness of the pulmonary oedema (Peate, 2014). When a particular blood vessel is occluded, there will be an increase in hydrostatic and colloid pressure which will cause vascular permeability leading to blood moving into the interstitial space of the capillaries and alveolar via a concentration gradient (Peate, 2014). This will affect alveolar perfusion causing reduced oxygenation of pulmonary

  • The Parkland Formula

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    most of them are semular to the Parkland formula with as much math involved or more, some examples are the Evans Formula, Brooks Formula or Monafo Hypertonic Formula. These formulas are more designed for hospital settings using crystalloids with colloids over a period of time, this can be very helpful for the pt to replenish the patients fluids and to give the patient the best recovery after a major burn. In a prehospital setting this can be very hard to accomplish so that is why is don’t recommend

  • The Two Major Fluid Compartments In The Body

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    Intracellular and extracellular are the 2 major fluid compartments in the body. Extracellular contains intravascular and interstitial body parts. The intracellular compartment is known as the fluid inside of the cell. Extracellular is fluid outside of the cell which consists of the Intravascular which is the fluid located in the vessel and interstitial which is fluid between the vessel and the cell. Each compartment encompasses a certain amount of fluid proportionate for the size of one’s body and

  • Hydroxypropyl Cellulose Lab Report

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    CHEMISTRY Hypromellose is solid, slightly off-white to beige powder in appearance and may be formed into granules. HPMC compound forms colloids when dissolved in water. It isnon-toxic and is combustible and can react vigorously with oxidising agents. Hypromellose in an aqueous exhibits a thermal gelation property. Thermal gelatin property is a solution when heats up to a critical temperature

  • Hypovolemic Shock Case Study

    331 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. Michael has the diagnosis of Hypovolemic Shock due to the 4 symptoms including: a. Hypotension that results from the systolic pressure less than 90 mm/Hg b. An increase of heart rate and weak pulse, c. Pale, cool, and clammy skin due to vasoconstriction in the sympathetic nervous system d. Cessation of urination because there is a decrease of blood flow to kidneys that makes urine. The underlying cause of hypovolemic shock would be the hemorrhaging or fluid losses in the body due to the placement

  • Milk Fat Lab Report

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    with the greatest mass. Background A colloid is defined as a solution containing particles that are sized between 1-1000 nanometers and are dispersed throughout the entire solution, never settling to the bottom (Law, 2017). Milk is a type of colloid called an emulsion that contains fat globules and casein proteins (one of the main milk proteins), suspended in a watery surrounding (University of Guelph, 2017). The water is the solution part of this colloid. It contains

  • Nanogels Case Study

    872 Words  | 4 Pages

    3. Common tests to characterize Nanogels: 3.1In vitro Also known as “test tube experiment” it is a study done outside the living organism. The main aim of preforming this study is to either assess the toxicity, the release behavior and/or the physical property of the drug. In our paper we will be reviewing different articles that conducted in vitro study to assess the properties of nanogels. 3.1.1Toxicity profile assessment: MTT colorimetric assay: A colorimeteric cleavage assay that helps in

  • The Pros And Cons Of Nanotechnology

    1000 Words  | 4 Pages

    The nanotechnology potentially makes the human to rendering to recent and increasing hazards due to some individual properties such as its very small size and high ratio of area to mass. Nanotechnology is the competent invention of materials and systems in nanometer length scale, and exploits the rising properties and phenomenon which have been developed in nano scale. The word “nano” means 10-9, so a nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. One description of nanoscience is the study of atoms, molecules

  • The Wrongful Death Of Bianca Barnes: 10 Years Old At A Skating Conducted

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    Bianca’s mother didn't learn about the fall until the next day after the incident occurred, at the time Bianca became unconscious and was taken to the local hospital. Bianca was pronounced dead on December 27, 2000. The cause of death was an undiagnosed colloid cyst which blocked the flow of spinal fluid from her brain. Based on sufficient

  • Pregnancy Luteoma Research Paper

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    INTRODUCTION Pregnancy luteomas are benign tumor-like proliferations of the ovary. They are thought to be asymptomatic tumors caused by the hormonal effects of pregnancy (hCG-induced proliferations of luteinized ovarian stromal cells), mostly found in multiparous women. They are usually found incidentally by imaging or during surgery (especially in cesarean section). Although, they are generally recognized incidentally; they may have clinical presentations like of the mother and/or the child;

  • Sulfur: One Of The Periodic Table Of Elements

    568 Words  | 3 Pages

    mixtures. Bronze is also a homogeneous mixture because it is a solid mixture, known as an alloy. Heterogeneous mixtures does not dissolve easily or spread evenly, making it easy to identify the different properties from each region and to separate. Colloid and suspension substances fall under this category. With granite, dirt, and fruit loops, their initial substance could be identified and physically separated without changing it

  • Write An Essay On Food Security And Food Insecurity

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    Food security and food insecurity are commonly used in discussions of global conditions and outlook. Food security exists when all people at all times have both physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life. Food insecurity exists when people lack access to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food, and therefore is not consuming enough for an active and healthy life. This may be due to the unavailability of

  • Peripheral Intravenous Catheter

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    Peripheral intravenous catheter (PIVC) is the invasive procedure that most commonly practised clinical procedure. There are over half of patients admitted to the hospital required peripheral intravascular cannula (PIVC) inserted. However, there is no data reported on the use of PIVC in Malaysia. The surveillance of the estimated used of PIVC in developing countries such as Malaysia is still under evaluated due to lack of resources and trained staff. Since, PIVC required penetration of a catheter

  • Thymoquinone Research Paper

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    as in the formation of cataracts in the lens of the eye or amyloid fibrils associated with Alzheimer’ and other neurological diseases. From a colloid chemistry perspective, protein self-association is a special case of the general problem of colloid stability. There are two important aspects of the protein systems in this respect: first in contrast to colloids in general the system can be obtained in pure form and then represent a true single component. Second the protein has a complex molecular structure

  • Hypovolemic Shock

    608 Words  | 3 Pages

    & Smith, 2015). Patients in hypovolemic shock can present in any stage of shock. Oxygen delivery, placement of an intravenous catheter (unless severe respiratory distress or cardiogenic shock) and intravenous fluids, including crystalloids and colloids, are the primary steps

  • Sugar Syrup In The Food Industry

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    several applications by the sugar industry (Hinkova et al., 2005). MF membranes are applied for the separation of particles at the 0.1-10.0 micrometer (µm) ranges (Scholz and Lucas, 2003). These ranges include microorganisms, suspense materials, colloids and emulsions (Carwright, 1994). Lancrenon et al., (1993) analyzed the application of MF (0.1-10 µm) and UF (2-200 nm) in sugar beet and sugarcane refinements (Hinkova et al., 2005). Membrane

  • Lovastatin Research Paper

    909 Words  | 4 Pages

    DRUG AND EXCIPIENT PROFILE DRUG NAME: LOVASTATIN (LST) PHARMACOLOGICAL CATEGORIES: Lipid Lowering Agent Anti-Neoplastic Agent HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors. DESCRIPTION: It was discovered by Alfred Albert and his team in 1978 at Merck. It was isolated from fungus Aspergillus terreus and is also known as Mevinolin. This was the second compound identified of this class and is two times potent than the first discovered statin Mevastatin. Lovastatin (LST) is structurally similar to hydroxyl methylglutarate

  • Essay On Forensic Dentistry

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    All humans have an identity in life. The identification of living or deceased persons using the unique traits and characteristics of the teeth and jaws is a cornerstone of forensic science. Forensic dentistry is defined in many different ways. One of the simple definitions is that forensic dentistry represents the overlap between the dental and the legal professions. Forensic dentistry plays a major role in the identification of those individuals who cannot be identified by visual or any other means

  • Ontological Argument

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    Ontological arguments in favour of Existence of God: The very first sentence of Ontological arguments describing that ‘God is a being by which no greater being can be imagined it is a conceptual truth’. It is extremely wrong because it can be easily criticised. Let me take a example, suppose “x” is something that describes a physical quantity. Then surely “2x” greater than “x” and “3x” greater than “2x” and so on. That means 2 God is greater than 1 God and 3 God is greater than 2 God and so on. So