Conscientiousness Essays

  • Reasons For Conscientiousness

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    with my family and they are willing to support me when I encounter adversity. Undergoing authoritative parenting style, I can achieve two-way communication with my parents and fulfil their expectations. This helps to explain my personality. For Conscientiousness, as I have negotiated with my parents regarding study attitude, for example play hard and work hard, thus I can be self-regulated and diligent in order to pursuit my dream. Hence, I score 98 %. For extraversion, as my parents encourage me to

  • Five Traits Of Personality

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    experiences and tends to stabilize over time. According to the most widely accepted model of personality, there are five basic personality traits that can determine our individual characteristics. One of the "five great traits" of openness, conscientiousness, extrovertness, pleasantness, and neurological disorder, there is a group of related traits that form emotions and perceptions. ours in many situations. As we grow older, our personality traits tend to evolve from the temperament we had when

  • Characteristics Of The Big Five Personality Traits

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    The Big Five Personality Trait The Big Five Factors is a trait theory which has made personality description easier to be analysed. This Big Five Factors consists of 5 main dimensions which consists of Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism which have greatly aided in identifying and studying an individual’s personality. I have used this trait theory to distinguish the personality of the fictional character that I have chosen. My character’s personality trait

  • The Role Of Conscientiousness

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    active learning: The role of conscientiousness Conscientiousness is one of the Big Five Personality Traits. An individual considered to be conscientious is careful, hardworking, and goal oriented. A study by Bakker, Demerouti and ten Brummelhuis (2012) critically examined how work engagement, work performance and active learning could be meticulously moderated by an individual’s conscientiousness. The aim of this study was to qualify the extent to which conscientiousness moderates the relationship

  • Big Five Personality Theory: The Five-Factor Model (FFM)

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    dimensions of personality trait which are known as the Five-Factor Model (FFM) or Big Five personality theory (Bergner, Neubauer & Kreuzthaler, 2010; McCrae & Costa, 2008). The model consists of five type of personality traits namely, Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism (McCrae & Costa, 2008). The FFM is a comprehensive arrangement of personality traits, which are tendencies to show constant patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions (Bergner, Neubauer & Kreuzthaler

  • Communication Competence Survey

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    Communication plays a vital role in our everyday lives. For example, we talk to instructors, friends, classmates, coworkers, bosses, and we even chat with the cashier as we’re checking out at the grocery store. Communication is unavoidable. However, because it is so common, we tend not to pay much attention to how good of a communicator we are. It has such a large impact on not only our lives, but also the lives of others, so I decided to assess and evaluate my communication skills. In this report

  • Essay On Conscientiousness

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    Drs. Corker, Oswald, and Donnellan (2012) presented “Conscientiousness in the Classroom: A Process Explanation” in their quest to uncover the “why” and “how” of the already-documented connection between high levels of conscientiousness and high levels of achievement in academics, professions, and other goals. They note that the research of O’Connor and Paunonen (2007) shows that conscientiousness, of all The Big Five, is “the only practically significant personality predictor of postsecondary performance”

  • Five Robust Factors

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    have devised a number of ways to measure personality, each involving a differing number of traits or factors. Trait psychologists have shown that five traits or factors i.e. Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experience, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness appear repeatedly in different research studies. These traits or factors are known as “Five Robust Factors,” or “The Big Five,” they are: a. Neuroticism: The first main personality trait is Neuroticism. It can be described as the tendency to

  • Five Personality Characteristics

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    person usually has a certain degree of all five of personality traits. The five personality dimensions are openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Traits of each dimension are as follows. Openness to experience includes traits such as having wide range of interests, creativeness, being insightful and imaginative. Conscientiousness includes traits such as being organized and thorough. Extraversion is a broad dimension, which comprise of traits such as being

  • Bill Gates Case Study: Bill And Melinda Gates

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    personality traits into different dimensions which can help us to understand better how people behave to others and how react in their life. The Big Five Model of Personality categorizes traits in different dimensions such as Surgency, adjustment, conscientiousness, and openness to experience (Lussier, 2013). Based on the theory I will try to analyze some of the personality traits of Bill and Melinda Gates. First, the dimension which characterizes both of them is Surgency or in other words according to

  • Big Five Factor Model Of Personality Essay

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    Five Model of Personality, an individual’s personality can be interpreted in a continuum. The personality type can be determined based on the plotting of scores in the Big Five Personality assessment. The types include openness to experience, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. John and Srivastava (1999) extraversion is described as openness to experience as expresses in the depth and complexity of mental life and experiences of a person. In the same light a high in openness

  • Big Five Personality Theory Essay

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    theories that correlate personality and academic performance, two theories stand out and they are Eysenck and Big Five personality theory. In this study, Big Five is utilised and it has five dimensions of human personality, that is, openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and neuroticism. Students’ intellectual ability has been found to highly correlate to academic performance, but it accounts for less than 50% of the variance in the academic performance. It means there are other causative

  • Memories In Ona Ng's Novel Bone

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    Memories are an important component to Ng’s novel “Bone.” I think it’s important to note that “Bone” could be called a memory book, because of how it moves in reverse chronological order and through flashbacks. Memories make up the book, but they also play a role within the novel. Memories are a fragment of an important past event. Through memories, we keep the feelings and people in those memories alive, which is what Leila says in the quote above. Leila later says, “If Ona was here, she would count

  • Big Five Personality Test Analysis

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    According to John (2009), The Big Five personality test measures five major personality dimensions listed below and often referred to as the OCEAN model of personality. (John, 2009) 1) Openness to intellect and new experiences 2) Conscientiousness 3) Extraversion 4) Agreeableness 5) Neuroticism Using a scale of one to five, with a range from strongly disagree to strongly agree, this test measures these five major personality dimension using forty-six open-ended statements. A sample of the individuals

  • Professional Development: The Four Stages Of Career Development

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    A career stage model explains the four stages that individuals pass through in their vocations. Model career development is the lifelong process of managing of employee’s work experience within or between organizations encompasses that continue through a person’s working adulthood and into retirement. The four stages consist of occupational and organization (preparation for work), the early career, the middle career and last part is late career refer figure 1 in appendix 1. That a career consists

  • Essay On Conscientiousness

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    Motivation is the reason or set of reasons for participating in an activity and the reasons could be basic needs, an object or a goal (Olsson, F. M., 2008). Conscientiousness is the extent to which one is achievement goal-oriented, dependable, organized, dutiful, and responsible (Goldberg, 1990). Conscientiousness people have a tendency to carry out tasks in a careful manner until their completion (Tross, Harper, Osher, & Kneidinger, 2000). These tendencies have demonstrated a positive relationship

  • Sick Sociopaths

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    15 Sick Sociopaths You Thought Were Hot Come on, admit it, we love the crazies. And since the 1970’s movies have introduced us to a slew of twisted, depraved killers and sociopaths that shock us but also deeply intrigue us. Sociopathy (sometimes also known as a psychopathy) is defined as a type of personality disorder. People with this disorder often display extreme antisocial attitudes (which many times result in criminal acts) and a lack of conscience. They are unable to feel guilt or have empathy

  • Double Conscientiousness Essay

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    WEB DuBois spoke of double conscientiousness – a social theory framed to analyze and explain a state of being unique to African-Americans and a sense of being in, but not of a majority culture. As a first-generation American, born and raised in the south with Nigerian-born parents, I quickly realized that my background stretched beyond his duality structure and extended into a third level of conscientiousness. I am African, American and African-American – each having a distinct code and level of

  • Strengths Of The Sub-Facets Of Conscientiousness And Personality

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    I believe that my greatest strength is conscientiousness because my overall score for conscientiousness is 77. The sub-facets of conscientiousness include self-efficiency, orderliness, dutifulness, achievement striving, self-discipline and cautiousness and my scores for these sub-facets are 9, 96, 93, 16, 54, and 93 respectively. So based on the overall score achieved, I considered that conscientiousness is my greatest strength. Basically conscientiousness is one of the five personality qualities

  • Five Factor Theory Of Personality

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    Mediterranean style diet.50 High conscientiousness and agreeableness scores were associated with a health-aware diet dimension.50 The convenience diet was associated with low openness and high neuroticism scores, and low openness scores were associated with preferring sweet foods.50 Also, a low conscientiousness score as well as a high BMI was associated with high scores on the convenience diet dimension.50 It was also found that high agreeableness and conscientiousness scores were associated with high