The Role Of Conscientiousness

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Article 1: Work engagement, performance, and active learning: The role of conscientiousness
Conscientiousness is one of the Big Five Personality Traits. An individual considered to be conscientious is careful, hardworking, and goal oriented. A study by Bakker, Demerouti and ten Brummelhuis (2012) critically examined how work engagement, work performance and active learning could be meticulously moderated by an individual’s conscientiousness. The aim of this study was to qualify the extent to which conscientiousness moderates the relationship between work engagement and job performance. The researchers hypothesised that there is a positive relationship between engagement and performance when employees possess high conscientiousness.
In this …show more content…

However, most of these findings have been confined to western cultures. A recent study by Zhang, Zhou, Zhang and Chen (2012) aimed to examine the relationship between conscientiousness and job performance amongst workers in China. The researchers hypothesised that, firstly, overall job performance and conscientiousness will have a non-linear relationship, and secondly, that conscientiousness will also possess a non-linear relationship with specific task performance, adaptive performance, and contextual …show more content…

Conscientiousness is a universal predictor for job performance, while extraversion is limited to sales and management. Neuroticism has been found to have a negative effect on job performance, and openness and agreeableness have an insignificant effect. The aim of this study was to investigate how effectively sales performance can be predicted by a person’s personality traits. It was hypothesised that sales performance would positively correlate with both conscientiousness and extraversion, both agreeableness and neuroticism would correlate negatively, and there would be no relationship between openness and sales performance.
66 participants took part in this study, all sales representatives for a health and fitness club. The Neo Five-Factor Inventory was used to assess the personality of the participants, the participants were also asked to summarise what they felt was most important for success in sales. The performance of the participants was measured how many sales they