Neonatal jaundice Essays

  • Prenatal Development Case Study

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    Prenatal/Perinatal Development James was born on September 23rd, 2005. He was a healthy young baby, born with no genetic defects and thankfully that stayed that way. When he was born, he was immediately assessed by the APGAR test. Overall, James came out with a total score of 5. The appearance resulted in a 2, meaning it was completely pink or good color. James's pulse resulted in a 1, meaning he had fewer than 100 beats per minute, indicating that he was not very responsive. His grimace earned

  • Neonatal Nurse Career Paper

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    needed to pursue that career choice. According to Ferguson’s database in order to become a neonatal nurse, one must first train to be an RN. To prepare to be an RN one should take high school mathematics and science courses such as biology, chemistry and physics. Neonatal nurses who work in critical care may become certified in neonatal critical care nursing by

  • Neonatal Nurse

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    incubator watching it take quick, tiny breaths. Just another day at the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) for neonatal nurses. These nurses work tirelessly to save the tiniest patients with an addiction to cocaine or the ones with exposed or missing organs. Neonatal registered nurses (RN), arguably, have one of the most emotionally stressful jobs that leave them resembling a

  • Nursing Care Plan Sample

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    B. Learning Objectives: (List 2-4 of your clinical objectives from your week/group of shifts – remember, you should begin each shift with 2-3 clinical objectives.) 1. Practiced neonatal head-to-toe assessments. 2. Give a shift report to the oncoming nurse. 3. Assist in neonatal CPR. 4. Gained a better understanding about the pathophysiology of heart defects and treatments that are associated with these conditions. C. Patient Profile: (Provide a profile for 2-4 of the patients you cared for this

  • Certified Nurse's Aides: A Case Study

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    904). Nurses have to be extremely careful to insure that the parents are getting the complete truth and the nurse’s honest opinion without expressing the child’s condition in a harsh way. Sometimes in critical situations, it is impossible for a neonatal nurse to keep parents involved. When a nurse can tell that the parent is experiencing a crisis and are in complete panic, the nurse can ethically withhold information to prevent the parent from worsening their emotional state. As said in a quote

  • Theme Of Exile In A Doll's House

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    Doll House Essay When most people see the word “exile” they might think of an individual forced away from one’s home to an undesirable place just like in Oedipus Rex, Oedipus was exiled from his kingdom, blinded and doomed. However, in Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House, Ibsen portrays the act of exile as both a detachment from an individual and a path for self-discovery. In the play, Nora, a seemingly typical household wife during Ibsen’s time, experiences multiple self-imposed exiles,

  • Orleanna In Barbara Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible

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    "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view...Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it." —Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird (Page 39) In the well written novel by Barbara Kingsolver, The Poisonwood Bible, all the characters are thrown into a world that they know nothing about. They’re pulled away from their home and expected to help people that don’t even wanna be helped. All while trying to maintain the who they are. But the Congo doesn’t

  • Novice Nurse Narrative Report

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    today, where my knowledge and experience provides me the responsibility to be a teacher, advocate, or a friend to a parent whatever is needed at the time. I am honored to be entrusted to care for critically ill infants. In the last 11 years as a neonatal nurse I have participated in the care when the outcome was excellent and I have attended a delivery where we lost the ETT tube on a 24 week infant that we could not get re-intubated and the communication broke down. I have seen us

  • Neonatal Period Essay

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    Neonatal period is a period that refers the first 4 weeks or 28 days of life. It can be further divided into too early neonates (birth to 24 hours), early neonate (birth to 7 days) and late neonatal period (7 days to 28 days). The neonatal sickness pattern include: prematurity (32.30%), sepsis (28.91%), birth asphyxia (11%), meconium aspiration syndrome (5%), congenital malformations (5%), transient tachypnea of newborn (5%), neonatal jaundice (5%), intrauterine growth restriction (3%), infant of

  • Active Management Literature Review

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    post-delivery. Late cord clamping is carried out after more than one minute post-delivery or when cord pulsation has ceased. Their objectives were to determine whether different policies on the timing of cord clamping at delivery affects maternal and neonatal outcomes. Eleven randomised controlled trials were undertaken on 2,989 expectant mothers and their babies. McDonald and Middleton independently assessed the eligibility and quality of these trials and extracted the

  • Assignment On Neonatal Meningitis

    883 Words  | 4 Pages

    22-Jul-17 NEONATAL MENINGITIS Neonatal meningitis is a life-threathening medical condition in infants. Meningitis is the inflammation of the meninges (a protective membranous layer of the central nervous system) in the neonatal period. The most common causes of neonatal meningitis is bacterial infection of the blood: • Group B Streptococci (GBS; Streptococcus agalactiae) • Escherichia coli • Listeria monocytogenes. Regardless of the specific pathogen involved, neonatal meningitis is most

  • Essay On Physical Assessment

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    A meta-analysis of three facility-based studies examined the effect of resuscitation training on intrapartum-related neonatal deaths (RR= 0.70, 95%CI 0.59-0.84); this estimate was used for the effect of facility-based basic neonatal resuscitation (additional to stimulation). The evidence for preterm mortality effect was low quality and thus expert opinion was sought. In community-based studies, resuscitation training was part

  • Example Of A Nursing Personal Statement

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    individuals in communicating their needs and goals. I assisted in bathing, cooking and light housekeeping, I also administered their medications. Another experience that influenced my interests in Nursing was when my son was diagnosed with neonatal jaundice ,and had to go through blood exchange,I must admit it was the most hardest time for me. During that time I had the opportunity to observe the nurses in action and learn about the various aspects of their work. I was impressed by their ability

  • Fetal Nutrition Research Paper

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    On PC final edit "new look" in human maternal-fetal nutrition Low birth weight serum albumin and incidence of neonatal jaundice Maternal nutrition is the most influential, nongenetic environmental factor for the growth of fetus during the course of pregnancy. Growth of the fetal tissue imposes metabolic alteration in mother’s body resulting in an increased demand for nutritional requirement. Though the human fetus synthesizes its own carbohydrates, fats and proteins form glucose, amino acids and

  • Premature Babies Research Paper

    1133 Words  | 5 Pages

    Hannah Beauregard Every year about 500,000 babies are born premature, that 's 1 of every 8 infants born in the U.S. When a baby is premature that means the baby was born before 37 weeks of pregnancy when a full term of pregnancy is 40 weeks.(Premature babies, medline plus) Because of infants being born so early and not fully developed they have a much higher chance of have some health related issues. A few examples are Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Chronic Lung Disease, and Retinopathy of Prematurity

  • Pediatric Radiology

    476 Words  | 2 Pages

    Neonatal Imaging of the Chest “Pediatric radiology has expanded rapidly since the late 1950s and is now a recognized medical specialty.” Page 577 of article. Obtaining successful images of a newborn can be quite a challenge. As stated in the article it takes 4 important aspect in taking a great image, “Technologist Attitude, Warmth, Immobilization, and Radiation Safety”. The newborns are not mind reader so they need to be comforted. The technologist attitude needs to have a smiling face and be

  • Informative Speech On Premature Births

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    Catharine arrived on the Fourth of July, 16 weeks earlier than what was expected. Weighing in at 1 pound 10 ounces Catharine’s eyes were still fused shut. Catharine fought for every breath she took in result of her heart defect, bleeding in her brain, jaundice, and a heart murmur. Catharine spent 113

  • Classic Galactosemia

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    during the first ten days of life, the neonatal signs usually quickly resolve

  • Pediatrics Rotation: Mubarak Hospital Case Report

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    explain the prolonged jaundice. The total bilirubin is high so it still needs to be monitored o Urinalysis shows increased WBC which most likely indicate that there is an infection in the urinary tract o The urine culture was positive for E.coli which is the most likely cause of the fever. o The U/S was most likely performed to check any abnormalities in the urinary tract and kidneys that might have predisposed the infection. Treatment: • Was admitted as a case of neonatal fever • Full septic workup

  • Kangaroo Mother Care Disadvantages

    3243 Words  | 13 Pages

    Evaluation of the neonatal outcomes of the Kangaroo Mother Carein Iran; systematic review Abstract Kangaroo mother care’ (KMC) includes thermal care through continuous skin-to-skin contact, support for exclusive breastfeeding or other appropriate feeding, and early recognition/response to illness. Using kangaroo mother care is cost-effective, and has abundant advantages for mother and infant. Introduction Initial phase of the transition from the fetal to post natal neonatal period, the most important