Polystyrene Essays

  • The Pros And Cons Of Polyester

    668 Words  | 3 Pages

    Polyester is an important component to consumers all around the globe. It is made from a fiber that can be manufactured into goods such as, clothes, furnishing, water bottles, balloons, hoses, and many more useful items. Most notably however, it has made a huge impact in the T-shirt industry. Where would the great disco days of the 70’s be without polyester clothing? It’s safe to say that polyester has become an important resource in everyday life, but how did such a commodity to the everyday consumer

  • Synthetic Molecules Research Paper

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    n.d. 6 11 2017. (-- removed HTML --) . All About Polystyrene. february 2014. 6 11 2017. (-- removed HTML --) . Everything You Need To Know About Polystyrene (PS). 2016. 6 11 2017. (-- removed HTML --) . Kielmas, Maria. Advantages & Disadvantages of Polymer Composites. 26 september 2017. 6 11 2017. (-- removed HTML --) . Linear, Branched, and Cross-linked Polymers. n.d. 6 11 2017. (-- removed HTML --) . Polystyrene. 2017. 6 11 2017. (-- removed HTML --) . supramolecular. n.d. 6

  • Disadvantages Of Mushroom Packaging

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    electronics products such as laptop, computer, server and tablet. Most of the product are very sensitive with shock and vibration. Hence, to protect the product during distribution to the warehouse and customer the Styrofoam been made. The Styrofoam are Polystyrene is a petroleum-based plastic made the styrene monomer. Styrofoam is light-weight material and very good insulation properties that make it popular since 1950. Sadly, the Styrofoam have many disadvantage instead the advantage. One of the disadvantage

  • Stoyrene Research Paper

    782 Words  | 4 Pages

    Styrene Styrene is a toxic chemical that goes by many names such as ; Vinylbenzene , Ethenylbenzene , Phenyl Ethylene, Benzene and etc. Styrene is a colorless liquid that has an unsaturated ring that contains alternating double and single bonds ( Aromatic odor ).*This is an example of an aromatic compound known as Benzene, as shown above the unsaturated ring contains alternating double and single bonds. Styrene is a very important component that is used in making everyday products that you and I

  • Tensile Test Lab Report Essay

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    SHORT REPORT/LOG SHEET Table 1. Tensile testing results Testing Laboratory MSE Undergraduate Lab Room 6 Materials used Polystyrene (PS) High-density Polyethylene (HDPE) Aluminium Alloy (Al) Specimen Geometry Dumbell shape Test Temperature (°C) 22 Loading rate (mm/min) 2 Nominal dimensions (mm): width, thickness, gauge length PS: 12.01, 1.99, 60 HDPE: 12.04, 3.00, 60 Al: 12.05, 2.03, 60 Mat./ Spec. Width, mm Breath, mm Pmax, N , MPa , MPaL0, mm Lf, mm Af, mm2 %EL %AR PS 12.01 1.99 1016.64 42 42.537

  • Plastic Synthesis Lab Report

    273 Words  | 2 Pages

    Loubani1 Reem Loubani Mrs. Dina Daher Chemistry Sunday December 25th, 2016 Plastic Synthesis Polymers are large molecules composed of smaller molecules called monomers. Polymers are found almost everywhere around you. Some of them are naturally occurring, such as proteins, starch, silk, and wool, while others, such as nylon, Teflon, and plastics, are synthesized in labs to yield important products. Plastic is a material widely known by people; it is used in an enormous range of products

  • Essay On Exothermic Reaction

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    poured into a polystyrene cup. Using a scale and a weighboat, precisely 2 grams of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl) was measured and placed into the polystyrene cup with the 20mL of water. The chemical compound and the water were mixed together using a glass rod until the chemical was thoroughly dissolved. After the chemical had dissolved, the beaker containing 20mL of room temperature water was placed into the chemical mixture with a thermometer in the beaker as well. The lid for the polystyrene cup was then

  • Stoichiometry Investigation

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    A spatula was used to draw a sample of Magnesium hydroxide powder from its bottle onto the piece of paper now on the scale; and 3.00g of base was measured out. The 3.00g sample was poured into a dry polystyrene cup. A 30 cm3 sample of Nitric acid was then measured out using a 200 ml measuring

  • N-Dimethyl Formamide

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    Methanol were purchased from the lobachemie Pvt. Ltd. (India). Styrene monomer was procured from the sigma-Aldrich. Co. The solvents DMF and methanol were distilled for purification. Other chemicals were used as obtained. 2.2 Preparation of polystyrene (PS) Polystyrene prepared by free radical polymerization of styrene monomer. Styrene (1 mole) was taken in a round bottom flask (RBF) fitted with a reflux condenser. DMF was used as a solvent and AIBN (0.5% w/w of total monomer) as free radical initiator

  • Plastic Recycling Research Paper

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    molecule, or macromolecule, composed of many repeated subunits. Due to their broad range of properties, both synthetic and natural polymers play an essential and universal role in everyday life. Polymers range from familiar synthetic plastics such as polystyrene to natural biopolymers such as DNA and proteins that are fundamental to biological structure and function. Polymers, both natural and synthetic, are created via polymerization of many small molecules, known as monomers. There are many different

  • The Molar Enthalpy Of Combustion Of Magnesium By Using Hess's Law

    810 Words  | 4 Pages

    Prediction Purpose The purpose of the investigation is to use calorimetry in order to determine the molar enthalpy of combustion of magnesium by using Hess’s Law. Question What is the molar enthalpy of combustion ∆Hc, of magnesium? Materials Investigation 4.5.1 Pg. 351 Eye protection Steel wool Magnesium oxide powder 10 to 15cm strip of magnesium ribbon 100mL graduated cylinder 1.00 mol/L hydrochloric acid 3 Styrofoam cups (calorimeter) Eye dropper Mass scale GLX temperature

  • Nunavut Essay

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    mmended Energy Policies for Nunavut Nunavut is currently powered almost solely by 25 stand alone, inefficient and old diesel generating stations in remote hamlets across the nearly 2 million km2 territory. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel. With significant wind, solar and hydro resources and a population that is becoming increasingly educated and passionate about climate change and energy efficiency every day, the future of clean energy in Nunavut is promising. The Government

  • Why Is Lester B Pearson Successful

    313 Words  | 2 Pages

    Lester.B.Pearson was renowned as one of Canada 's greatest Prime Ministers. But the successes in his career overshadowed the few, but impactful failures. His title as Nobel peace prize winner and father of Canadian peacekeeping efforts acts as cover for his war motivated failures. From allowing the sale of toxic chemicals to the U.S. and allowing the testing of chemical weapons on canadian soil. To his hypocritical actions in the nuclear weapons debate. While revered by the masses, Pearson 's political

  • Calorimetry Lab

    868 Words  | 4 Pages

    acid-strong base reaction. My beginning question was: How can we apply Hess’ law and calorimetry to chemical equations to determine the heat exchanged in a reaction? We started by putting 100 mL of water into a coffee cup calorimeter (a polystyrene cup inside another polystyrene cup as an insulator), a magnetic stir bar was added and using the program LabProTM the

  • Bolus Material Analysis

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    different thicknesses to provide maximum dose buildup. Its elasticity allows it to uniformly conform to the patient’s contour. Using photons and electrons, Superflab was compared with polystyrene of various thicknesses to determine its dosimetric properties. The results showed Superflab to be more similar to water than polystyrene (Feaster,

  • Tactics And Policies In Vietnam

    397 Words  | 2 Pages

    They used the Tactics and Policies below to justify what they did in Vietnam. Tactics and policies used by the USA during the vietnam war were The Truman Doctorian and the Marshall Plan are the policies and the tactics were Chemical warfare ie:agent orange,naplam and the Search and Destroy,Rolling Thunder tactics.The Truman Doctrine was the basis of American foreign policy aimed at stopping the spread of communism,events in Greece and Turkey lead to the use of the Doctrian a civil war broke out

  • Hyperkalemia Research Paper Outline

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    Hyperkalemia What is hyperkalemia? Hyperkalemia is the medical term for high serum potassium levels. This is often caused by kidney disease, high dietary potassium intake, increased cell breakdown, insulin insufficiency, and use of certain medications (eg, NSAIDs, beta-blockers). Rapid elevations in potassium or very high potassium levels may produce symptoms such as muscle weakness, paralysis, cardiac arrhythmias, and even death. Hyperkalemia that does not respond to medical therapy may require

  • Monsanto Argumentative Analysis

    653 Words  | 3 Pages

    The United States had about 73.1 million acres of genetically modified foods in the year 2014, and that amount is growing rapidly. (Global) Martin Luther King Jr. wanted to change the world of segregation with a speech, but at present, a small multitude of Americans are beginning to consider changing the way our food is processed. The company behind this is called Monsanto, a wide range of people that direct farmers and food companies, but also the ones who hide some truly evil secrets about the

  • Friedel-Craft Acylation Simulation Lab Report

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    formation of ketones. Generally speaking, Friedel-Craft acylation could be useful in a practical application such as industrial chemistry. Using this reaction mechanism can create plastic, synthetic rubber and ethylbenzene, which can eventually lead to polystyrene (Chemical Technology). This reaction can also synthesize high-octane gasoline, commonly referred to as “premium gas.” Therefore, the products generated from Friedel-Crafts acylation are significant because they are used in everyday

  • Plastic Pollution: The Global Ocean

    1559 Words  | 7 Pages

    What is an ocean? An ocean is a large body of salt water that covers approximately three-quarters of Earth’s surface. The global ocean is also divided into five divisions which are Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean and Southern Ocean. The global ocean is home to thousands of aquatic species like fish, turtles, whales and coral reefs. As the main component of Earth, the global ocean is significant to all living organisms because the ocean is the source of water apart from having