Scalar Essays

  • Cross Cultural Equivalence

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    abstraction. While construct and linguistic equivalence deal with the abstract construct and language, metric and scalar equivalence concern the concrete measurement items and scale. Although it is difficulty to draw a clear demarcation for them, it is clear that the more abstract type, such as the construct equivalence, is the precondition for considering the more specific type, such as scalar equivalence. After all, to quote Hui and Triandis (1985), “it does not make sense to talk about the equivalence

  • Black Swan Theory

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    dimension vary within a limited range, though: other variables are scalable, and can imply enormous variations. For instance, personal income is in this group. Social dimensions tend to be scalar, especially if they are not tangible, but informational (Taleb 2010, p. 33). The transition from non-scalar to scalar dimensions is associated to the invention of the phonograph (Thompson 2016): before, a singer could gain only a limited amount for every exhibition, while the opportunity to record their performance

  • Mali DBQ Essay

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    “This king is the richest and most noble lord of all of this region due to the abundance of gold which is collected in his land.”(Mansa Musa). During the Empire of Mali, Mali was considered a site of cultural exchange thanks to all the money that they had. Cultural exchange means there was an exchange of ideas and different cultures. This shows that they really care about trade and relationships. Mali was in created in 1230 A.D. It is west Africa and gained a lot of land from when Ghana fell. Mali

  • Analysis Of The Song Contrabando Y Traicio

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    The song “Contrabando Y Traición” is credited for popularizing the narcocorrido sub- genre, and features a uniquely cinematic style of lyrical story-telling uncommon for its time, combined with a catchy yet simplistic song structure that could be appreciated by audiences of all backgrounds. Narcocorridos themselves are a style of traditional Spanish corrido that focus on commemorative figures, events and people related to the drug-trafficking trade that was growing in the 1930's, sharing many similarities

  • Debussy Paint A Picture In Music Video Analysis

    319 Words  | 2 Pages

    To demonstrate how Debussy can use imagery to paint a picture in music, the YouTube link will be used, and the subsequent times will refer to the video: In the beginning, starting at 0:01, Debussy starts with notes G and D, with a low register in the left hand and a high register in the right hand. Playing these notes simultaneously create a “holy” kind of sound, like how the Greeks in the church used Gregorian chant. This sets the image of a cathedral

  • Attack On Pearl Harbor's Effect On American People

    1004 Words  | 5 Pages

    Chris Davis 12/1/15 Research report Soc. 190 How the attack on Pearl Harbor and the effected the American people? The attack on Pearl Harbor effected the American people in many ways. It socially effected their economy, community, and their health. In this article you will tell what read happened at the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Doolittle raid and how it affected the American people. On December 7, 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR) called it "A day that will live in infamy." (Adam

  • Knoxville Police Department Analysis

    434 Words  | 2 Pages

    principles and theories of administration, with the main ones being Fayol’s principals of administration: “(1.) Unity of Command, in which each employee receives orders from one superior only: sometimes referred to as the one boss rule. (2.) The Scalar Principle, in which a chain of command reflects an organizational pyramid. Orders and information are communicated through official channels. (3.) Spann of Control, which recognizes that there is a limit to the number of subordinates a supervisor

  • Beethoven Symphony 5 Essay

    527 Words  | 3 Pages

    Allegro Presto. With the opening chord of this finale, it establishes the key of major. The first three notes are simply the tonic chord of C major followed by the distinctive continuation of the theme with quicker, attached notes, dotted notes, and scalar passage that includes melodic sequence. The exposition ends with a strong cadence. The recapitulation reviews the material from the exposition in the original order. This composition is a very unique piece. It is one of Beethoven’s best pieces that

  • Geographic Scales In Lower Town Ottawa

    515 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lower Town Ottawa Introduction Lower Town Ottawa is a vibrant and diverse neighborhood located in the heart of Canada's capital city. This neighborhood has a rich history dating back to the early days of European settlement and is home to a diverse mix of cultures, religions, and social classes. This essay will explore how various geographic scales, such as the global, urban, and neighborhood, shape and influence the built and social environments of Lower Town. Description of Place Lower Town Ottawa

  • NMR Spectroscopy Lab Report

    454 Words  | 2 Pages

    Various two dimensional pulse sequences has been created providing both increased resolution and correlations that are easy to analyze the siderophore. A resonance in the 2D-NMR spectrum represents a pair of nuclei that interact with each other either scalar or through bond. The skeletal structures of siderophores can be deduced by number of 2D NMR experiments. 1H-1H homonuclear correlation spectrum combined with one-bond and 13C-1H correlation spectrum allow determining the fragments. Furthermore, the

  • Farmers In The Late 1800's

    638 Words  | 3 Pages

    250 years ago, in the late 1700’s, there was less then one billion people in the world, in the late 1800’s there was just over 1.5 billion people in the world, and today in 2017 there are about 7 billion people in the world population. In 2050, it is estimated that there will be 9 billion people in the world (Simmons, 2011). That is a lot of mouths to feed. Decades ago, citizen’s food source was dependent on their farmland and the produce they produced but today humans strive to have the largest

  • The Pressure Retard Osmosis (PRO)

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    Osmotic power was first recognized in 1954 [8], when it was observed that the energy available from a river meeting the ocean is equivalent to that of a waterfall over 200 m high, or 0.66 kWh of energy per m3 of freshwater. This means that all over the world, where rivers meet oceans there is a potential for power production. The global potential for this power is estimated at 2.6 TW, enough to supply 20% of the world’s annual energy needs [9]. Several processes for salinity gradient energy conversion

  • Chopin And Felix Mendelssohn Analysis

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    The shift from the Classical to the Romantic era signified a new importance on relations within the octave other than the tonic-dominant relation. Often, Romantic composers, in this case, Frederic Chopin and Felix Mendelssohn, use symmetrical divisions of the octave as a platform from which they can launch wandering or very pointed progressions, depending on the direction and magnitude of the potential harmonic energy. Whether it is a continuous circle of minor thirds or a form of axial melody

  • The Importance Of School Effectiveness In Schools

    1871 Words  | 8 Pages

    INTRODUCTION “Heck (2013) defines effective schools by saying it should provide stable and consistent results over time that apply to all students within the school... Underlying the notion of school accountability is the belief that school personnel should be held responsible for improving student learning.” Society continues to change and so does the notion of what may be effective in schools. What we may think was effective before may not necessarily be effective now. We try to understand what

  • Compare And Contrast Taylor And Fayol

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    Fayol developed the ’14 Principles of Management’ including; Initiative, giving employees the freedom and space to be creative and unique. Espri de Corps; where a business will promote uniqueness and unity within a workforce and Scalar Chain; where employees will always be made aware of their place and role within the business, ( Manktelow 2015). Whereas Taylor called his theory ‘Scientific Management’ and overly stressed the need for efficiency and restricted himself to the activity

  • Literature Review Of Hospital Management

    873 Words  | 4 Pages

    organization Organization functions- 1. organisation is a mix of product and function where people with similar skills are grouped together to execute activities to achieve organisational objective. 2. In a hospital some part of the organization has scalar type of function while others are informally structured. 3. The hospital

  • Essay On Kinetic Energy

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    energy. An object that is moving can be able to do work with anything it hits. The conclusion of its motion is the amount of work being done. Kinetic energy can be passed from one object to another by clashing towards each other. Kinetic energy is a scalar quantity, and also described by magnitude. This type of energy depends not only on its motion but also on its mass. If you double the mass of an object, you double the kinetic energy. The kinetic energy from a moving object is the same as the work

  • Pros And Cons Of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities

    952 Words  | 4 Pages

    As fantastic as it sounds it is speculated that in timeline one, one reason why Extraterrestrial Biological Entities (EBEs) are here is to attempt to alter our timelines (our future). They have the ability to time travel in both directions, so they already know, or they know as a memory what happened here (our future). In timeline two there is a catastrophe arising in our near future that drastically reduces the population of the Earth and splits humans into two population groups. These two populations

  • Episodic Memory Theory

    1000 Words  | 4 Pages

    Abstract - Human episodic memory has been studied for several years. It provides us with the ability to remember experiences and recognize people, situations and so on. Researchers have come up with multiple explanations of the working of the human memory system but no final conclusion has been reached. Based on these explanations, various theories and models have been proposed. In this paper, we look at a few such computational models of human episodic memory and perform a comparative study on them

  • Social Ecological Resilience Thinking

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    Resilience thinking integrates the dynamics and development of complex social-ecological systems (Pisano, 2012). The Social-ecological system considers system thinking as a whole in the study of resilience to food insecurity (Adger, 2000). As it has been already stated, the concept of resilience necessitates to deal with complex systems and focuses on the relationships within the systems (FAO, 2014) because of interdependencies between the human domain and the biophysical domain (Walker and Salt