Video game gameplay Essays

  • Dark Souls Research Papers

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    been chosen by fate to rekindle the so called “first flame”, and in doing so stop the world from succumbing to darkness. The gameplay is based on an easy to learn, but hard to master combat system in which learning the strengths and weaknesses of each enemy is essential. It was released in 2011 by FromSoftware as the sequel to Demon’s Souls and was published by Bandai Namco Games. FromSoftware is a fairly small development studio in Japan. This paper will be covering the topics of symbolism and materiality

  • Persuasive Essay On Screen Time

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    Have you ever played or used screen time all day? Have you considered how much time you have in a day and maybe limit your screen time? You should spend time with friends developing face to face conversations. The amount of screen time is a huge concern for doctors and parents about adolescents. People believe that screen time should be increased to four hours, however this is not the case. Screen time should be limited to two hours because screen time creates distractions and can foster negative

  • The Pros And Cons Of Competition In Sports

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    The turf is lit up by the blazing sun. A crowd of parents and family fill the bleachers with cheers in their mouths. The play starts. All the players form a perfect positioning and hand off the ball. Going going gone. A boy cheers with a childish grin on his face. He falls over in joy. Youth sports is a hot topic in today’s world. With so many kids participating it was bound to become something of discussing. Should kids play competitive sports? While some parents believe that the competition can

  • Argumentative Essay: Why Soccer Is A Sport In The World

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    Soccer isn’t a one guy sport, it is a team sport. Soccer has a basic rules; First, we can’t touch the ball with our hand; only the goalkeeper can; Second, there are two cards; one is a yellow card, and the other is a red card; yellow card means if we got the yellow card warns us did another foul we will get another yellow card, if we get the second yellow card, the referee will give us a red card, and a red card means, we will not continue the match, and can’t play the next match. There’s two type

  • Super Nintendo Compare And Contrast Essay

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    The Super Nintendo against the Sega Genesis is a tough comparison because they are both very good video game consoles that offer a lot for people’s imagination. But when comparing the two there are differences and there are similarities that lead to very high competition. The two biggest similarities are the technology and the difficulty of the games. The one major difference between them is the games. The first similarity is that The Super Nintendo and the Genesis both came out at around the

  • Slime Rancher Research Paper

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    simulation games available to gamers is Slime Rancher. Following an early access release back in January, the game officially launched for Windows, macOS, Linux and Xbox on August 1st. Slime Rancher was developed and published by Monomi Park. It’s a single-player video scheme that uses the Unity game engine. Slime Rancher uses colorful graphics to accent a clever plot for gameplay. Slime Rancher Gameplay · Slime Rancher follows the first-person vantage point, navigating through an open world game environment

  • Pros And Cons Of Youth Football Essay

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    terrible ones. Every single human body is different from the others which means they react differently to things as well. Some kids get a concussion and act like it is nothing when another can get the exact same injury and almost die because of it. The game is unpredictable, think about what could happen while getting ready to sign up for youth football. Ask yourself this, would you rather let your kid have a normal life, or be different for the rest of the time he

  • Essay On Friday The 13th

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    Have you ever played a horror game? Have you ever played one in which the killer that is chasing you is another person? In recent years a new genre of a-symmetrical video games has emerged in which one player plays as a killer while 4-8 others play as victims or survivors. The top two leaders right now of this genre right now are Dead by Daylight, a game about killers serving an entity to hunt down and eliminate four survivors by using sacrificial hooks, and Friday the 13th, which takes place on

  • Correlation Between Violent Video Game Play And Aggression

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    Over the last 20 years, the video game industry has grown into multi-million dollar business, as more teenagers and adults are spending time playing video games, especially the violent ones, than ever before. The popularity of video games has reached phenomenal proportions. Violence became the primary theme in most of these video games. The hypothetical line of reasoning that hypothesizes a causal relationship between violent video-game play and aggression draws on the very large literature on media

  • Video Games And The Desensitization Of Today's Youth

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    that make video games increasing popular and have critics believing violent video games contribute to school-aged violence. Despite these allegations, there remains no measurable connection between violence in video games and the desensitization of today’s youth or the motivation to commit violence. Video games and the gaming community have grown year after year with children now spending a substantial amount of their time playing games, many of which are contain violence. One such game that has

  • Super Nintendo Research Paper

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    with Super Mario Bros. on the Nintendo Entertainment System. This was at a time where video games were definitely not as big as they were today, as the infamous Video Game Crash of 1983-1984 just happened prior to the game's release. The market still reeked of buggy, unfinished products, such as the Atari 2600 versions of E.T. and Pac-Man. There wasn't a single company who wanted anything to do with home video games anymore in the Americas. Until, in 1985, just a few short years after the crash, a company

  • Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games On The Brain

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    on Video Games: The Effects of Video Games on the Brain Mina Zakaria English Ms Wichert March 22nd, 2018 Zakaria i Outline THESIS: Video games are currently one of the leading forms of entertainment and like every other medium of entertainment, it certainly has various effects on the human brain and behavior. Those effects are both positive and negative and with proper time management, parental control, and proper knowledge, people can cancel out the negative effects of video games and

  • Analysis Of Mortal Kombat

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    Many people have argued for decades that Mortal Kombat is too violent for kids, but some people would disagree. Mortal Kombat is a video game franchise made in 1995 by Midway Games in Chicago. Mortal Kombat is known for it bloody gameplay. It is also known for its fatalities that a character can do. Mortal Kombat is not bad for kids because it is fake, it shows different cultures and diversity, and blood and gore can be turned off to make it age appropriate. Mortal Kombat is not bad because it’s

  • Should Video Games Should Be Considered A Sport Essay

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    The article “Should Video Games Be Considered a Sport?” from The New York Times issued October 4, 2013, by Michael Gonchar is a popular topic debated by numerous people. There has been an abundance of controversy whether video games should be considered a sport. These disputes cause a number of arguments among professional gamers, fans, and media. Just because these players are playing video games extensive hours throughout days and nights, and not doing any physical athletics doesn’t make it not

  • 8 Ways Violent Games Are Bad For Your Kids

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    Do you enjoy playing video games? If so, many can relate to your interest. If not, no matter how much you dislike gaming, there’s no denying that video games are one of the nation’s most successful pastimes, single-handedly creating an entire multimillionaire industry. Not only is this business we know and love a phenomenon of interactive media, launching television to unseen technological innovation, it’s also an important achievement in the vast field of entertainment throughout our culture. Unfortunately

  • Star Fox Research Paper

    1897 Words  | 8 Pages

    Star Fox has been one of Nintendo's flagship series for over two decades. It all started in 1993 with a revolutionary game that brought 3D gaming to the masses. The first game in the Star Fox series actually had its roots in a prototype called NESGlider, that was being developed for Nintendo's first home console, the Nintendo Entertainment System. The prototype was inspired by a game named Starglider, released in 1986 for the Atari ST, Commodore Amiga, MS-DOS, and Apple II, among other platforms.

  • Reality Television: Is Reality TV Real Or Real?

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    Were you aware that “reality TV episodes have increased to 57% of all television shows that can be found on your screens”? Television is undoubtedly a medium of telecommunication used by countless number of people. Most of the world’s population uses a great deal of electronic devices and upgrade when new models appear. However, according to a TNS consultancy report, people are continuing to stay loyal to their television every single day. This would obviously mean that a majority of those people

  • Informative Speech About Superheroe

    2707 Words  | 11 Pages

    Guardians of the Galaxy is a really fun movie. It’s one of the best movies of 2014, actually. But just because people liked it, (so did I) that doesn’t necessarily make it a “good movie”. However, insert Thesis. As I’ve already stated, this is a “Marvel Movie”. And that in itself is either really good or really bad. In this case, it’s not the latter. It actually depends on the kind of person you are, though. If you don’t like superheroes (The most popular film genre), ideas taken from Star Wars

  • Analysis of the Movie 'Expelled' from a Sociological Perspective

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    For this Sociology On Screen assignment, I selected and analyzed the comedy movie, “Expelled”, directed by Alex Goyette and distributed by 20th Century Fox in the year of 2014. It all begins when Felix O 'Neil (Cameron Dallas), a troublesome teenager, gets expelled after recklessly pranking in Eastwood High School. He is a well-known prankster who rewired the fundraising money of the cheerleading team to a koala bear sanctuary, exposed incident photos of his teacher publicly, and hacked the vending

  • Hedonic Ambivalence: The Paradox Of Horror Film

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    The movie industry is a main factor of each society in the new world; no country around the globe lacks movie theatres, TV channels specialized in broadcasting movies, or, naturally, the Internet where you can access any movie in the history of cinema. Various studies have been done on the emotional and behavioral effects movies from all genres can cause to their audiences who differ in age, interests, social stance and other significant variations. However a specific genre has predominantly gained