Freak the Mighty is a young adult novel written by Rodman Philbrick in 1993. The story follows two unlikely friends, Max and Kevin (known as "Freak"), who join forces to create their own superhero duo, "Freak the Mighty". Together, they face bullies, navigate school life, and go on adventures.
The book has become an important part of literature for children and adolescents due to its powerful message about friendship and overcoming obstacles. It also addresses themes such as disability, acceptance of differences, family dynamics, growing up, justice vs. revenge, loyalty, and betrayal, among other topics that are relevant for this age group.
The main characters are easy to relate to; both have physical disabilities but use their individual strengths together to make them stronger. Through Max's narration, we get insight into his inner thoughts, which help us understand how he deals with issues like bullying or the deaths of loved ones in his own unique way. Similarly, Kevin uses intelligence instead of strength when facing adversaries, showing readers how one can be successful without having physical power or money. This makes it a great example for those looking at using literature as a tool for teaching valuable lessons about life and relationships while still being entertaining enough so that kids will actually read it.