• What Are The Benefits Of Using A Design And Make Pedagogy?

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What are the benefits of using a design and make pedagogy?

Design education makes a “unique contribution to children’s cognitive, emotional, psychomotor and social development” (Rodgers & Wallace, 2010, p127). When used in a classroom there are several layers of thinking and understanding, and when combined with learning, produce a quality teaching practice which builds confident, engaged learners. Developing a student’s working scientifically and technologically skills is important, as it teaches student’s to think critically and develop a deeper understanding of science, and it’s relation to the real world.

The theoretical structure for a design and make pedagogy stems from inquiry based learning and is a crucial topic in modern educational research as it proves to be an excellent basis for quality teaching. An inquiry-based curriculum has shown to develop independent and …show more content…

Fitzgerald (2013) argued that student engagement relates to increased opportunities for direct involvement, and to support this idea the Science and Technology syllabus highlights that when learning is translated to everyday situations, students become aware of the impact of science in society (Board of Studies, NSW, 2012). A case study conducted by Roger and Wallace (2010) indicated that students who had opportunities to be engaged in meaningful tasks during practical science lessons achieved higher academic outcomes and had positive attitudes toward science. When learning is related to everyday circumstances, students innately become more engaged and interested, and bring real life experiences to relate to the topic. Roger and Wallace’s (2010) research highlighted when students learn in a practical design based pedagogy, they are able to translate curriculum knowledge into real life experience and solve everyday problems to everyday