1.1 Explain The Main Points Of Legislation That Relate To Moving And Handling

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Health and Safety Unit Q1.1 Identify health & safety regulations related to a care setting. Individuals working in a care work setting must work in compliance with a variety of health & safety regulations that are in place to protect themselves and everyone else in the setting. These include: The Health and Safety at Work 1974 which places a legal responsibility on employers to provide their staff with sufficient training and a safe environment in which to work. The Management of Health and Safety at Work 1999 which requires employers to carry out sufficient risk assessments so they may identify risks to both employee and service user health and safety. Manual Handling Operations 1992 which covers legislation surrounding all manual …show more content…

Sources: https://www.hse.gov.uk/healthservices/moving-handling.htm https://www.hse.gov.uk/msd/backpain/employers/mhor.htm#:~:text=first%20%3A%20avoid%20hazardous%20manual%20handling,far%20as%20is%20reasonably%20practicable. Q4.2 Explain the principles for safe moving and handling To safely move and handle any load, it is essential that any and all risks are considered and avoided if possible. Workplace training should have demonstrated the safe and correct techniques that must be used when moving different types of …show more content…

Any and all potentially hazardous substances must be identified, monitored and stored in line with COSHH regulations and company policy. Q6.1 Describe practices that prevent fires from starting and spreading. Practicing good fire prevention is essential to keeping a safe working environment, employers or building owners must carry out a fire safety risk assessment to identify potential sources of ignition or fuel that could cause a fire. Sources of ignition such as cookers or heaters must be turned off when left unattended or not in use, these appliances must also be kept in good working condition and have regular checks for example as PAT testing. Sources of fuel must be kept tidy and away from sources of ignition where possible. Keeping the work setting tidy and picking up any rubbish which could be considered fuel will prevent the fire from spreading as quickly, installing and maintaining smoke alarms and fire doors also alerts members of staff to the fire risk and enables them to use any fire suppression equipment that has been