11 Strategies To Teach Children With Disabilities In Children

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These eleven strategies are other ways to help teach children with disabilities. These strategies are; Accentuate the positive, Use appropriate assessment, Use concrete examples and materials, Develop and use multisensory approaches to learning, Model what children are do to, Make the learning environment a pleasant, rewarding place to be, Create a dependable classroom schedule, Encourage parents to volunteer at school ad to read to their children at home, Identify appropriate tasks children can accomplish on their own, Use cooperative learning, and develop a peer buddy system.

An example of accentuate the positive would be when the teacher walked around and said to the children who weren't playing together, "Oh, we play together with our friends, do you three want to play together?" …show more content…

Develop and use multisensory approaches to learning, an example of that is how the children got taught what animal goes with what letter in the alphabet. An example for modeling what children are to do is when the teacher points out how one little boy was ready to listen on the carpet during large group time. She points out how the child's hands are in his lap and how he is looking at her. Making the learning environment a pleasant, rewarding place to be is like when the teacher gives out positive feedback to the children about their progress and how everyone should be good to their friends. An example of creating a dependable classroom schedule is like when the teacher of my field experince lets the children kow what they are going to do during that day and she has a velcro schedule up on the wall with pictures. An example of encourage parents to volunteer at the school and to read to their children at home is