Why Is It Important To Have A Good Work Environment

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I believe the purposes of education are to create adults who can live and compete in a global economy, to create lifelong learners, to help children develop the skills and knowledge to allow them to be responsible contributing members of society. I believe that children learn best when they are taught under certain conditions and in certain ways. One of these are, having a good work environment. Children need to feel safe in the class they are in all day. We as teachers should observe each child individually and figure out how they learn best and try to incorporate each learning style into the lesson. In the classroom you should have time for your children to work in groups, work by themselves and also you should take them outside for physical activity. Teachers should have different visual objects in their classrooms so the children can constantly look at the objects and learn from them. For example, teachers should have posters with numbers, shapes, and the alphabet; also they should have their birthdays up so they can go over them every day and they should have the months of the year and days of the week so when they are going over them in class they can see which one is after the other. …show more content…

I would meet these needs by trying to help them understand that if they want to grow up big and strong like their parents, they will need to eat the right foods, we would have a nap, and we would go outside for playtime. I feel like if you want to be a teacher, you have to love kids and love learning. Teachers should have the qualities of loving children, and wanting to nurture them. If you love kids then you will love going to your job. Children need people who want to be there with them. Teachers have to love to learn because they are forever