1984 Government Privacy

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Does the government track people through their phones? We are living in a generation where technology has taken control over us. Our generation is called the Millennials, because we depend on technology for everything we do.This has made it easier for the government to spy and invade our privacy. This parallels the novel 1984, which focuses on a totalitarian government where people’s privacy is violated. The privacy violations Americans experience today are similar to the privacy violations occurring in 1984, because the government can spy on us through our phones, Wifi, and GPS tracking which mirrors the telescreens in 1984.
First,the novel 1984 took place in the city of Oceania, where technology was so advanced that the people were continuously …show more content…

In contrast, people in Oceania did not own any phones, so the government would use drones to spy on people and basically have another access to track their location. In 1984 it says “In the far distance a helicopter skimmed down between the roofs…It was the Police Patrol, snooping into people’s windows (Orwell, page 2). This shows that people in Oceania couldn’t hide from the government because they would be watched at all times. Using that information, the Party would know their location. Another way the government would track people was by training children at school to spy on their own parents or other adults in public places for any thought crime. As mentioned in the book, “It was my little daughter, said Parsons.... Heard what I was saying, and nipped off to the patrols the very next day (Orwell, pager 233). It resulted in Parson being sent to jail in the Ministry of Love because his own daughter turned him into the …show more content…

Also, the government spies on us through our phones supposedly for the good of society. However, through a current event in Florida this has proven otherwise. This event lead to the massacre of 17 young people in Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. The FBI said it was notified about a comment on YouTube five months ago from someone with the username “Nikolas Cruz”. The comment said “I’m going to be a professional school shooter.” This shows that even if the government have access to our social media, they do not do anything to stop a horrible event like the one on