2016 Presidential Elections Pros And Cons

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The United States citizens have two choices in the historic 2016 Presidential Election: a woman politician and a businessman. Many U.S. citizens are experiencing election anxiety as the voting day approaches. Some of the citizens feel that the Republican candidate, Donald Trump, nor the Democratic Candidate, Hillary Clinton, are fit for the Office. In efforts to gain votes, both of the presidential candidates are using their campaigns to target the confused citizens. The candidates have campaigned all over the United States and have stopped at many places to talk to the American citizens to vote for them. The vote expectations for the 2016 Presidential Election are projected through the three main topics: immigration reform, abortion rights, …show more content…

Trump and Clinton both say they favor secure borders, but in every other respect they are at odds over how they’d tackle key immigrant issues. Experts on both sides of the debate cast the candidates’ proposals as radical, arguing Trump is overtly anti-immigrant while Clinton is too lax on policies.
Trump’s immigration reform plan calls for a wall to keep people from coming to the United States, mass deportations, and migrant bans. Donald Trump has repeatedly stated that “he will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and he will make Mexico pay for that wall” (“Migration”). He reinforces his immigration reform plan when he states that “when Mexico sends people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems…They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists…” (“Crime”). Saying that Mexico is sending their worst people to the United States is losing and gaining votes. For example, citizens who dislike the immigrants for stealing jobs will vote for Trump. However, Trump …show more content…

Abortion is a sensitive topic for women. Abortion law affects the vote expectation of the election as the presidential candidates have opposing viewpoints. Both of the presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are pro-life, but their beliefs are completely opposite. One of the most important discussions on the abortion rights is centered on the Roe v. Wade case. The U.S. Supreme Court handed down its landmark decision in the case of Roe v. Wade, which recognized that the constitutional right to privacy extends to a woman's right to make her own personal medical decisions — including the decision to have an abortion without interference from politicians ("Roe v.