6 Famous Songs Inspired By Marketing Paper

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6 Famous Songs Inspired By Marketing

What can music teach us about online marketing? Quite a lot actually! Most would disagree, but I strongly believe that marketing was the motive behind these famous motifs.

See what you think. Here’s our collection of famous songs inspired by marketing.
Supertramp - Give A Little Bit
Content marketing has become a huge part of the online marketing world. Supertramp hit the nail on the head with their online marketing strategy.

Give and you shall receive. Offer your audience something of value, whether it’s a latest news blog post, montage video from a recent event or infographic packed with industry statistics, you have a great opportunity to build relationships with an audience that may return to …show more content…

Who would have thought that would work!? Thinking outside the box really can pay off.

Simon & Garfunkel - Keep The Customer Satisfied
There’s no doubt that when Paul and Art wrote this song, they were referring to the user’s browsing your site.

You should aim to keep your customer satisfied throughout their visit to your site. Yes, you may want to collect information such as email address by suggesting that they sign up to a mailing list, but what’s more important is that you are providing the user with content that they will find interesting and useful.

If you aren’t providing your customer with anything of value, they will become extremely dissatisfied and will most likely go elsewhere.

Take That - Patience
It’s important to give your marketing efforts the time it needs to blossom. Take That really capture the importance that patience has to play when building up a strong and successful marketing strategy. If you have solid foundations for a successful marketing plan, you should see positive results in …show more content…

Times are changing, and with that comes a change in business. Make sure you are up to date with the modern going ons in the marketing world and the industry you are working in.

Social media is one of the most modern forms of online marketing. If you are one of the very few brands not capitalising on the wonder that is social media, get yourself signed up to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google+ or Pinterest and learn what you can do to enhance your social presence on the web.

Want to build your following on Instagram?
View our guide on using social media to listen to your audience!
Find out the benefits of using Twitter for advertising your brand.

ABBA - The Winner Takes It All
Unless your company is one of a kind, you are going to have competitors, and a lot of them. Creating a business on the web is becoming easier and easier with the development of easy-to-use software and educational resources. It’s important that your marketing efforts are at a high standard to compete with your rivals.

Those beautiful Swedes have spoken wisely. If your marketing strategy is flaccid and stale, you’ll find it extremely hard to compete with those who have a competitive, professional and engaging marketing strategy in place, thus the winner takes it

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