7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens Book Report

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Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens is a book expressing hardships of adolescence and provides solutions to common teen dilemmas, stories submitted by other teens, and tips on how to make yourself a better, more efficient person. I’ve learn the different types of people in this world. People like the slackers, the celebrator, the tolerator, the shunner, the procrastinator, the prioritizer, and the yes man. Each of the different people in this world have good virtues and bad virtues. This book dives into different and rather specific situations that teens face almost everyday, some more than others. The first Habit is titled “Be proactive.” Being proactive means being in control of your life and being productive. Part of being proactive …show more content…

There are four time quadrants to think about, the procrastinator, the prioritizer, the yes-man, and the slacker. The procrastinator puts things off until the very last minute, which leads to being more stressed, it is best if you avoid being a procrastinator. The yes-man is a people pleaser, thus the name. They tend to overextend themselves to meet others people's needs, they usually get the reputation for being a “pleaser, it’s best you avoid being a yes-man too. The slacker does nothing at all. Unlike the yes-man and the procrastinator that does their work, the slacker does nothing. They don’t do their work, carry out plans, and their not able to rely on. Results of being a slack can be guilt, flakiness, and lack of responsibility. The prioritizer is who you want to be. They have the healthy balance of putting important and urgent things first. Their usually ahead of the games and very dependable. Results of being a prioritizer is high performance, and having better control over your life. To keep everything in good balance you can get a planner and write down what you have to do for the week. You can add goals, thoughts and personal plans to the planner as well as school information. You are in control of everything you do in life, and you can make things more balanced and organized. I related to this chapter the most out of the rest, simply …show more content…

The thought of Win-Lose is competitive, and full of pride. To sum Win-Lose in one sentence would be this, “The pie of success is only so big, and if you get a big piece there is less for me. So I’m going to make sure I get my slice first or that I get a bigger piece than you”. Lose-Win is disguised as being a peacemaker, but it's really just being dormant and letting people do to you what they please. The Lose-Win shows similarities with the yes-man. Lose-Lose is a downward spiral. The Lose-Lose motto is “If I’m going down, then you’re all going down with me, sucker”. Their jealous, possessive and negative. Win-Win is like an all you can eat buffet. People that think Win-Win believe everyone can win. “I won’t step on you, but I won’t be your doormat either”. They care about others and celebrate theirs and others accomplishments, instead on focusing on failures. Avoid trying to compete with others in a negative way. Tieing in self-worth into winning, or using it to put down others and raise yourself higher isn’t beneficial to anyone. You should also avoid comparing. Everyone is different, and we all have our own set of skills that we have acquired, so it useless to compare yourself to anyone. We all have our strength and weakness. Nothing good will come out of asking yourself things like, “why am I not like her?”, “why do I look like this”, and “why can’t I be him”. I’ve learned that comparing yourself can