The 7 habits of highly effective teens was written to teach teens about things that can and will happen and things that you need to do to improve how you are and things that you should do to help yourself and others around you. The book has taught me many thing including things that can help me through my life improvements that I can make in my life better and it can affect people around me. It has shown me that shaping myself with the habits can affect how one lives. In it it explains thing that can happen to you as your a teen. It helps you understand through stories to help you through your teen years. Throughout the book it explains different things you can do to help you through your life. One is to be proactive another is to begin with the end in mind. The 3rd is put first things first the 4th is the win-win. And so on they all show and explain that there are things that can happen to you and …show more content…
Being proactive means to make the most of your time and to and to do things that you can benefit from. I will use this habit to make my life better and to help me.
The next habit is to begin with the end in mind. To begin with the end in mind means when you start something you need to understand the outcome of things.
It tries to show you and explain to you that when you start things you need to have a positive outcome. Through my life i will use this when i start certain things like going through college and other experiences in my life. In the third habit is put first things first. To put first things first means to do the things in life that are necessary and later do the things that are not as necessary. Throughout my life I will use this habit to make my life easier.
The fourth habit is think win-win. To think win-win means to think through and through enough to know that there will be a positive outcome. In my life I will use this habit to have a better life. As life goes on you can make better decisions to have a better