A Blended Approach To An Elearning Faculty Fellowship Academy

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A Blended Approach Toward an eLearning Faculty Fellowship Academy: Pitfalls, Hurdles and Successes

Presentation Teaser: This presentation provides an overview of implementing a faculty fellowship academy to improve online learning within a community where anything goes in a blended format.
Title: A Blended Approach Toward an eLearning Faculty Fellowship Academy: Pitfalls, Hurdles and Successes
Track: Faculty & Professional Development & Support
Institutional Level: Multiple
Type of Session: Information Session


While analyzing a distance education program within a community college it became apparent that the college would like to expand its program offerings. To meet the demands for an increase in course offerings additional faculty …show more content…

Additionally, it was decided that a course design rubric would be incorporated into the training.
Starting fall semester 2015, the Office of Instructional Technology (OIT), with support from the college-wide Distance Education Committee (DEC), will pilot a new training program, the eLearning Faculty Fellowship Academy. The term eLearning covers fully online, hybrid/blended, and web-enabled courses. The college-wide DEC and OIT are excited about this innovative approach to professional development and encourage faculty to consider supporting this new initiative.

The purpose of the academy is two-fold: some of the fellows will be new to eLearning, i.e., faculty who have applied and had a course proposal approved for the 2015-2016 academic year. Others will be “veteran” eLearning faculty who are dedicated to significantly revising their courses. The veteran faculty will serve as informal mentors to their new-to-eLearning peers.

The main goals of the Academy are to …show more content…

Even though three hours are assigned to the face-to-face sessions there are some sessions that will be shorter and the excess time will be dedicated to one-on-one help if so desired. And, as we all know, life can get in the way of good intentions and desires; so to help, there will be similar but intensive sessions available the following Friday, from 11-12:30 PM. These intensive sessions will be open to the college community, not just the eLearning fellows. OIT and DEC encourage faculty interested in eLearning to join on these