
A Brief Exploration Of Social Learning Theory

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A Brief Exploration of Social Learning Theory of Career Counseling Introduction As a probationer in the field of clinical mental health counseling, I have maintained a specific interest in working with youth and adolescents, and function as a counselor with the University of Mississippi’s Contractual Re-admittance Program for students on academic suspension/probation. During our sessions, my clients and I not only explore potential means of optimizing study habits, but also identify and address any internal and/or external complications that may be aversely impacting their quality of life. It is not uncommon for our clients’ academic issues to be either directly or indirectly related to their career decision-making process and the degree to …show more content…

A person’s biological and psychological traits interact with each other and the environment to form an individual’s experience of existence, influencing self-identity, social interaction, and perception of self/others. Biological traits include ethnicity, gender, physical abilities and/or limitations, such as height, weight, stature, strength, are a result of inherited traits can impact self-perception, educational/recreational pursuits, social status and subsequent life goals, and career options within a given society (Krumboltz, …show more content…

Cognitive propensities and/or shortcomings determine an individual’s potential for academic achievement, and some individuals may have be born with innate propensities for certain skill sets and/or abilities –academic, musical, artistic, etc.-which are then nurtured through environmental interactions (Krumboltz, 1976). Emotional responsiveness influences reactivity to environmental conditions. Recent evidence has supported this position, by suggesting that certain genes/genetic compositions contribute to an individual’s biological responsiveness to environmental stimuli, which in turn would serve to influence individual predispositions of self-efficacy and job satisfaction, employee health problems, and individual reactivity to environmental conditions such as occupation-related stress (Judge, Ilies, & Zhang, 2012). Inherited traits help to shape an individual’s life events, providing different forms of environmental interactions and learning opportunities. That being said, one can do little to change or control genetic influences. Therefore, focus should be concentrated into the comprehension of environmental opportunities for knowledge and skill development, which are more readily controlled (Krumboltz,

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