A Character Analysis Of 'Most Important Quotes From Christopher'

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Christopher's parents both worked very hard for their son. Even though they both had bumps in

the road, the one thing I can say is the same about both parents is that they both love Christopher

exactly for who he is. In the passage, on pages 196-197 (paperback book) when Christopher's

Father and Mother were arguing about Christopher running away from home to go live with his

Mother in London stood out the most to me.

When Christopher’s Father said “I cooked his meals. I cleaned his clothes. I looked after him

every weekend. I looked after him when he was ill. I took him to the doctor. I worried myself

sick every time he wandered off somewhere at night. I went to school every time he got into a


From that quote in that …show more content…

On pages 106-107 (paperback) when Christopher is reading the letter his mom wrote to him she


“I’m not a very good mother, Christopher. Maybe if things were different, maybe if you'd been

different, I might have been better at it. But that’s just the way things turned out. I'm not like

your father.”

This stood out to me because she is admitting to herself and to Christopher that even though she

tried she couldn't deal with him as much as Ed could. She didn't understand him as much as Ed

did. If you continue reading she is giving examples of times she was with Christopher and

Christopher started screaming and getting a little out of hand, and it got to the point where she

needed someone to talk to. Then she soon decided it was best if she left.

Also, on pages 20-21 when Christopher and his father are coming back from the police station he

was very calm when talking to him (most of the time), and was asking sure he understood

everything he was telling him.

Ed says “I said leave it for God’s sake.”

After that Christopher didn't say anything else to him for the entire car ride because