A Literary Analysis Of Liesel's The Book Thief

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The book thief – A literary analysis "The book thief", a vastly appreciated book based on the horrific events that occurred during the 30-40's under Hitler's rule. If one is able to see beyond the warfare on the front lines and instead try to visualize what it might be to live in a small city in Germany, the plot of the book can plant its roots. However, the themes of this novel are quite varied, teaching us many different lessons throughout its development. Take nothing for granted. That is the first and one of the greater messages and themes of this book. We get to meet Liesel, a small girl who is robbed of her communist mother at the very beginning of the story. Already at this point the theme is making itself very clear, even though she is going to lose so much more. When placed with her new foster family, Liesel starts to appreciate them rather quickly. A strong bond between herself and her new father is forged but according to the presented theme, something bad is obviously bound to happen. …show more content…

As previously established, the young girl faces horrible events, but somehow, she manages to get through them. Not unscathed, but still alive. An example of this is when she gets bullied at school for not being able to read or write, a boy walks up to her and starts ridiculing her. Now, Liesel is not someone you wish to upset, so she takes drastic action and responds by roughing him up in front of the entire class. Thus giving the second theme of never giving up some