ABA Thesis Statement

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My revised thesis statement is “The town of Ackerman MS needs to have a low cost, affordable developmental center that offers Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy for children with various developmental disorders.” In my previous statement, I stated that there needed to be a government funded developmental center in the area, however, changing it to “the town of Ackerman needs…” allows me to research other towns and how they addressed the issue and to offer a similar solution. I think that changing this detail allows me to be more specific in solutions versus trying to research an area as broad as government funded programs and at the same time it provides the reader with a clearer understanding of what needs to happen. The …show more content…

My warrant: A low cost, affordable developmental center in Ackerman MS that offers ABA therapy would help children with developmental …show more content…

I would need to clearly state that although a developmental center that offers ABA therapy produces excellent results in children with developmental deficits, it is not guaranteed to produce the same results for each child. I would need to offer facts with statistics concerning the impacts of developmental centers in other communities and the success rates which would reiterate my points. I will also need to pay close attention to avoid false authority fallacy which I can do so by making sure that I have done the research on developmental centers that offer ABA other communities and the successfulness of treatment for children in those communities. I will need to make sure that if I purpose something or make a claim that I have the knowledge to support what it entails. (Clements,

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