ADHD Project Report

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Physical Accommodations- Provided that this project will take place over the course of five days; it will be beneficial to post a schedule in the front and back of the classroom. This will allow Karl and other students to be aware of the deadlines for each portion of the project.

Since behavior is a problem for students with ADHD, it is important to give students a clear understanding of what is acceptable in a classroom and what is not. With this in mind, the educator should place a list of rules in the classroom as well. The teacher should go over these rules with the children before beginning the task. For Karl; he will now have the behavioral rules freshly ingrained into his brain, hopefully aiding him to act more positively.

Preferential …show more content…

For each part of the project, there should be a separate set of instructions which will be given out daily instead of all at one time. The instructions should be brief, but clearly written out and discussed as a class before beginning. Keeping the instructions short and broken into parts, creates a manageable assignment for short attention spans. Allowing students with disabilities a little more time will take some stress away from the deadlines put in place.

The demonstration is a key component to this type of activity; being that this is a multiple step project and some areas could be more difficult than others. In particular, the part of the project where students are asked to create a food web; could pose a problem for the student with ADHD. Food Webs take up copious amounts of time but are imperative to the learning process of Ecosystems. If the teacher provides students with a food web that he/she designed, explaining how fun it was to create and contributes with an upbeat tone; it will allow for a better understanding of what is being asked of them and may get them excited to create their …show more content…

This could be a sticker chart, candy, etc. This will give the child a signal that they are doing a good job and gives them something to look forward to. Additionally, providing a reward is also beneficial because students with this type of disorder will go on to other tasks before finishing the current one. Again, due to the positive reinforcement, the student will become more enthusiastic towards finishing the first assignment before moving onto the