AP English Language And Composition Course Analysis

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1. I chose to enroll in the AP English Language & Composition course rather than the Level 1 literature course for a variety of reasons. Most importantly, I possess an interest in the career field of journalism, and this course will without a doubt help to strengthen my ability to argue, synthesize, and convey a specific idea and/or purpose through my language and writing style, in order to make my audience think. All of these skills will be useful and crucial to my success as a possible future journalist, no matter the concentration. Along with this, I have a personal desire to challenge myself and become a better person everyday in life, whether that would be in social situations, in school, or in athletics. Given the rigorous nature and experiences associated with this college-level course, it can only benefit my academic standing and intellectual abilities. Overall, this course will emphasize the importance of being able to express insightful, meaningful details in my writing and speeches. In summary, I …show more content…

In terms of my ability to analyze complex text, write, critically think, and discuss, I most certainly possess both areas of strength and weakness. One assignment that I know encompassed and assessed my ability to display all of these skills was my 10th grade English course’s final socratic seminar on the Syrian Refugee Crisis. This assignment truly showcased that my ability to discuss is a strength of mine, as I always participate in class, ask clarifying questions, actively incorporate others into the discussion, support my claims, and stay on topic. I would say though, during discussions, I need to work on challenging the ideas of my peers in order for us to think even more critically and bring the class discussion to a much deeper, productive level. Additionally, I would say this assignment proved that, in my writing, I am extremely detailed-oriented, and always do a fantastic job at elaborating and drawing connections between the main points of

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