ASA Code Of Ethics Paper

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This analysis is to allow insight of ways to promote ethics and effective leadership in the public sector. Since City A has undergone some significant ethics violations from a previous employee; this communication will provide some valuable information to realign the ethical goals and leadership standards of the organization. The American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) Code of Ethics is an excellent source to establish some guidelines to use for City A. The selection of standards that were chosen reflects guidelines and behaviors needed for public administrators. The following ethical standards will help direct you in your new position as city manager: Promote Democratic Participation, Uphold the Constitution and the Law, Demonstrate …show more content…

Another ethical code that is applicable is Upholding the Constitution and the Law, especially since the previous city manager was fired for breaking the law by embezzling money from the city’s accounts. This resulted in a deficit in the city’s funds, and a number of employees to lose their jobs. The most important factors are recognizing and understanding the laws, creating laws that are productive while redefining or removing old statues that prevent the betterment of the community (Geuras & Garofalo, 2011). There needs to be a mutual respect for due process and to protect the rights and serve the constituents’ along with the community (Geuras & Garofalo, 2011). In a public office it is critical to Demonstrate Personal Integrity. Conducting business as an official requires adherence to principles to build support from the public. It also requires the ability to exhibit honor, strength, empathy and a positive attitude (ASPA National Council, 2013). In addition, be willing to take ownership for mistakes and avoid conflicts of interest. The willingness to conduct business in a non-partisan manor is critical to building the trust needed to perform the job effectively (Geuras & …show more content…

According to Kouzes and Posner (2017), there are five practices to become an exemplary leader (2011). These practices include the following: Model the Way, Inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and Encourage the Heart (p. 11). Each practice has its own set of commitments and all of them can be practiced and learned. To effectively Model the Way be transparent, while defining your own beliefs. This will set an example of the expected behavior from others. Inspire a Shared Vision is imagining that all things are possible when you put your mind to it and will stimulate others to do the same. Kouzes and Posner (2017) state, “Leaders forge unity of purpose by showing their constituents how the dream is a shared dream and how it fulfills the common good” (p. 14). Challenge the Process by being creative and willing to step out of a comfort zone in addition be willing to take a risk. Enable Others to Act is a way to empower others and fosters collaboration. “The more people trust their leaders, and each other, the more they take risks, make changes, and keep moving ahead” (Kouzes & Posner, 2017, p. 16). Encourage the Heart is the final practice, which is an opportunity to recognize the work and value performed by people. Kouzes and Posner (2017) state, “Being a leader requires showing appreciation for people's