Abigail To Blame For The Crucible

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The Crucible is a story referring to the Salem witch trials with a lot of different characters, but only one of these characters is to blame for the craziness of the witch trials. In The Crucible, Abigail is the most responsible for the hysteria in Salem because she has been lying since the start and also acted her way out of going to jail. Early in the play, readers quickly notice that Abigail lied to others around her. First, we see Abigail lying to her uncle and trying to convince him that what he saw was not what happened. “No one is naked! You mistake yourself, uncle!” In Act I, paragraph 57, Abigail denies the accusation, which we know is true. This shows that Abigail has a past of lying. Secondly, we see her blaming Tituba and lying