Abortion Persuasive Speech

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This subject is very important many many many very innocent babies are dying at the hands and choices of the ones that should love them the most, their mothers, no matter the circumstance that the child is conceieved I believe and many others around the United States believe abortion is murder no matter how long it has been around . Just by having that term shows it is a big deal to this country.The body inside the women is not the womens body and should be treated as such. If there are pregnant women who get into car accidents and the is pregnant and looses her unborn baby that is murder or after the baby is born and killed that is murder, but for the women to go inside a clinic and say she doesnt want a child thats not murder. For one women to go cut an unborn child out of the mother is considered murder. A man commits domestic violence on his pregnant girlfriend or wife and kills the unborn child is procuted for it. a drunk driver kills the unborn child of a pregnant women in a car accident is jailed, but the abortion of the unborn is just. Doesnt make sense …show more content…

46 percent between May 4- May8 of 2016 was Pro-life. There is also a group called the National Right to Life who is the oldest and largest pro- life company working to end abortion. There is also one called Pro- Life Across America and many many more. Our own new President Donald Trump is pro- life.There is a term called pro- life- Advocates of the lega protection of human embryos and fetuses, by showing favortisim in the outlawing of abortion on that it is the taking of a human

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