
Abu Bakr Research Paper

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Abu Bakr, also known as al-Ṣiddīq, was born in 573 AD in Mecca, and died in August 23, 634. He has a close relationship with Muhammad; he is Muhammad’s closest companion and adviser. Abu Bakr was the successor of Muhammad and the ruler of the Arab state. He’s the first declared Muslim that’s not in Muhammad's family. Abu Bakr was a historically significant figure, because he was a significant companion to Muhammad, and after Mohammed's death, he held together the political structure created by Mohammed at Medina by defeating the separatist revolts and initiating the expansion of Islam into Syria and Iraq (encyclopedia) In his early life of being the successor of Mohammed, his clan can barely gave him any protection, so he suffered from indignities from Muhammad's opponents, so he moved from Mecca to Medina in 622. Abu Bakr had served as a trusted advisor to Muhammad. He helped Mohammed in many inconspicuous ways; it was a great benefit that he knows the ancestry and plot of the many Arab tribes. He was the leader of the pilgrimage to Mecca in 630 AD and was selected to lead the public to Mohammed's last illness, many signs have shown that he was marked out as caliph. (encyclopedia) …show more content…

The oratory of Omar was the one that let Abu Bakr became the first caliph. But annihilate defection starts occupies in his reign. Soon there were about five other leaders in different parts of Arabia; these leaders mostly claimed to be prophets. The revolutions are known as "the wars of the apostasy," though the underlying reasons were mainly political. The most significant battle was in Yamama, May 633, which is when the strongest revolutionary leader, Musaylima was killed by a Muslim army. (encyclopedia) After Muhammad’s death, he followed his steps on helping the poor, the indigent people and those who’s in pain. He started a war on Redda (the apostasy) to protect the poor’s right. (Islamic

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