Academic Self Efficacy Case Study

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3.2 A BRIEF REVIEW OF VARIOUS INSTRUMENTS USED FOR ASSESSING ACADEMIC SELF-EFFICACY 1. The Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSE) (Tipton & Worthington, 1984) measures people 's expectations that they can perform competently across a broad range of situations which are challenging and require effort and perseverance. The instrument consists of 10 items, with a total possible score of 70 (e.g., "Once I set my mind to a task, almost nothing can stop me"). The total score was used as a self-efficacy measure. On this scale, a lower response indicates higher self-efficacy. Internal consistency for the GSE is .77 (Lennings, 1994) and for the current sample was .73. Tipton and Worthington (1984) found evidence of construct validity when people with low GSE scores expended more effort and persevered longer on two tasks than did people with high GSE scores. 2. …show more content…

College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES; Owen & Froman, 1988) The College Academic Self-Efficacy Scale (CASES; Owen & Froman, 1988) was used to measure academic self efficacy. Each of the 33 items represents typical academic behaviors on which respondents rate their degree of confidence in completing. A five-point Likert-type scale measures responses ranging from quite a lot (5 points) to very little (1 point). Higher scores indicate higher college academic self-efficacy. Sample items include “Participating in a class discussion” and “Challenging the professor’s opinion in class.” Owen and Froman reported good empirical support for both factorial and concurrent validity and obtained a test-retest reliability coefficient at .85 with an 8-week period. Owen and Froman also reported internal consistency coefficients between .90 and .92. Similarly, in a sample of 215 undergraduate students, Choi (2004) reported an internal consistency coefficient of