Active Listening In Nursing Essay

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The overall goal of a nurse is to be able to provide high quality patient care. As a student nurse, I need to be able to develop the skill of active listening to improve my patient interaction and overall patient experience. Through Driscoll's (2007) reflective framework, I have actively identified an area of communication that I wish to develop, which is active listening, and the impact it will have on my role as a student nurse.
The what?
Active listening refers to the process of being attentive when getting or receiving communication from someone. It involves being expressive to show concern and interest in the subject matter being communicated. Active listening allows the communicator to feel satisfied by the level of reception of the message …show more content…

Active listening, as I have defined above, involves attentively hearing and understanding the subject matter being communicated by the speaker, in our case, a patient. For one to develop high quality patient care, there is an irresistible need to develop this skill.This not only improves my interaction with the patient but also promotes the overall patient experience.There are several important reasons for developing the skill and art of active lijstening in patient care.In order to build rapport and trust with the patients, I shall need to attentively lijsten to them and make them feel heard and validated and not just listened to for the sake of passing time,This would open up the communication and allow the [patient to share with me their individual concerns and fears without feeling underlooked or neglected.If patient information is properly received, they are much more likely to receive individualized holistic care that could have otherwise not been optimal if soime information were left out due to poor listening skills.By active listening, it becomes easier for me to identify the specific needs and preferences of a patient consequently facilitating strategic planning and delivery of satisfactory patient-focused care.Additionallyu, active listening would enable me as a student nurse to actively identify non-verbal cues such …show more content…

By consciously observing their way of interaction with patients and active listening skills, I aim to identify best practices and techniques that I can adopt and incorporate into my own learning and practice. Additionally, I shall look out for opportunities of mentorship and coaching to receive personalized guidance and feedback on my active listening skills in communication.
Additionally, I plan to look out for more opportunities for self assesment. This I foresee shall involve regularly reflecting on my personal interactions with patients and colleagues and evaluating the level of effectiveness of my active listening and communication skills. I will also actively seek feedback from my colleagues, immediate supervisors, and clients to identify areas that need improvement and make the required adjustments to my learning and practice.
Finally, I plan to intergrate my learning in my role as a student nurse by applying active listening skills in everyday communication and all patient interactions.I foresee that this will involve actively engaging with clients, paying attention to their verbal and non-verbal cues, and finally summarizing and repeating their messages to confirm if I understood them correctly.If I apply these skills consistently,I shall develop my active listening skills and become an effective